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  • Adjectives
  • Nouns
  • Verbs
  • Other labels


adjectiveA word that describes a noun or pronoun
[after noun]An adjective that only follows a noun.
[after verb]An adjective that only follows a verb.
[before noun]An adjective that only goes before a noun.
comparativeThe form of an adjective or adverb that expresses a difference in amount, number, degree, or quality.
superlativeThe form of an adjective or adverb that expresses that the thing or person being described has more of the particular quality than anything or anyone else of the same type.
[not gradable]An adjective that has no comparative or superlative form.


nounA word that refers to a person, place or thing.
[C]Countable noun: a noun that has a plural.
[U]Uncountable or singular noun: a noun that has no plural.
[S]A singular noun.
pluralThe plural form of a noun.
noun[plural]A noun that can only be used in the plural.
[usually plural]A noun usually used in the plural.
[usually singular]A countable noun usually used in the singular.
[+ sing/pl verb]A noun that refers to a group of people acting collectively. When used in the singular it can be followed by either a singular or a plural verb in British English. In American English a singular verb is preferred.


verbA word that describes an action, state or experience.
[T]Transitive verb: a verb that has an object.
[I]Intransitive verb: a verb that has no object.
auxiliary verbThe verbsbe,haveanddo, which combine with other verbs to make different forms likepassives,questionsand thecontinuous.
modal verbVerbs, such asmustandcan, that add meaning such ascertaintyandobligation.
past simpleThe past simple form of the verb (eatateeaten).
past participleThe past participle of the verb (eat ateeaten).
present participleThe present participle of the verb (tyingtied).
phrasal verbA verb followed by an adverb or a preposition.
[L]Linking verb: an intransitive verb that is followed by a noun or adjective that refers back to the subject of the sentence.
[L only + adjective]A linking verb only followed by an adjective.
[L only + noun]A linking verb only followed by a noun.
[+ adv/prep]A verb that must be followed by an adverb or preposition.
[+thatclause]A verb followed by a clause beginning withthat.
[+ question word]A verb followed by a question word.
[+ speech]A verb used with direct speech.
[+toinfinitive]A verb followed by the infinitive withto.
[+ infinitive withoutto]A verb followed by the infinitive withoutto.
[+ -ing] verbA verb followed by the -ing form of the verb.
[+notorso]A verb followed immediately bynotorsowhere these replace a clause.
[+ two objects]A verb that has a direct and indirect object.
[+ obj + adjective]A verb with an object followed by an adjective.
[+ obj + noun]A verb with an object followed by a noun.
[+ obj + noun or adjective]A verb with an object followed by a noun or adjective.
[+ obj +asnoun or adjective]A verb with an object followed byasand a noun or an adjective.
[+ obj +to benoun or adjective]A verb with an object followed byto beand a noun or an adjective.
[+ obj +thatclause]A verb with an object followed by athatclause.
[+ obj +toinfinitive]A verb with an object followed by an infinitive withto.
[+ obj + infinitive withoutto]A verb with an object followed by an infinitive withoutto.
[+ obj + past participle]A verb with an object followed by a past participle.
[+ obj +ingverb]A verb with an object followed by the-ingform of a verb.
[+ obj + question word]A verb with an object followed by a question word.
[usually passive]A verb usually used in the passive.
[not continuous]A verb not used in the continuous form.

Other labels

adverbA word that gives information about a verb, adjective, another adverb, or a sentence.
conjunctionA word such asandoralthoughused to link two parts of a sentence.
determinerA word such astheorthisused before a noun to show which particular example of a noun is being referred to.
numberA word that refers to a number.
ordinal numberA number such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, that shows the position of something in a list of things.
prepositionA word that is used before a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun, connecting it to another word.
predeterminerA word such asbothorallused before other determiners.
pronounA word such asit, ormineused to replace a noun.
prefixA letter or group of letters such asun-,pre-oranti-added to the beginning of a word to make a new word.
suffixA letter or group of letters such as-lessor-mentadded to the end of a word to make a new word.
exclamationA word or expression such asdamn!oroh dear!used to express strong feelings.
[+ingverb]A word or phrase followed by the-ingform of the verb.
[+toinfinitive]A word or phrase followed by the infinitive with to.
[+that]A word or phrase followed by a clause beginning withthat.
[+ question word]A word or phrase followed by a question word.
[as form of address]A word or phrase such asMrordearused to address someone.




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