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rootnoun[C](PLANT PART)B2thepartof aplantthatgrowsdown into theearthto getwaterandfoodandholdstheplantfirmin theground 根,根茎,根块  Zu Sanchez Photography/Moment/GettyImages - Wemooredtheboatto alargetreeroot.
- He tookholdof the plant's root andpulled.
- The tree's roots go down threemetres.
- Grow thebulbsin atransparentplasticbox, so thechildrencanseethe rootsgrowing.
- We werediscussingthe roots of thecurrenteconomicmalaise.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesParts of plants - bilobed
- blade
- bough
- bulb
- calyx
- caning
- cascara sagrada
- corolla
- endodermis
- needle
- outgrowth
- rhizome
- simple leaf
- spine
- stoma
- tea leaf
- variegation
- vascular
- veined
- vesicle
See more results » rootnoun[C](CAUSE/ORIGIN)C1thecauseororiginof somethingbad: (坏事的)根源,根由,原因 We mustget to therootof(=discoverthecauseof)thisproblem.我们一定要探本溯源,查出造成这个问题的原因。 Whatis/liesatthe rootoftheproblemistheirlackofinterest.这一问题的根本原因是他们缺乏兴趣。 The highcrimeratehasitsrootsinunemploymentandpoverty.高犯罪率的根源在于失业和贫穷。 So what's the rootcauseof hisanxiety?那么使他焦虑的根本原因是什么呢? Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesthe cause of something - reasonI frankly don’t understand the reason for the delay.
- causeInvestigators have not yet determined the cause of the fire.
- rootWe need to get to the root of her problems.
- motiveThere seems to have been no motive for the murder.
- ground(s)On what grounds was she dismissed?
See more results » rootsB2[plural] Thecityof Tours cantraceitsrootsback toRomantimes.图尔城的历史可以追溯到古罗马时代。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOrigins and sources - bases
- be a recipe for disaster, trouble, success, etc.idiom
- beginning
- birth
- birthplace
- born
- breeding ground
- cradle
- emanate from/throughsomething/someone
- fount
- fountainhead
- gateway drug
- genesis
- hail
- originate
- paternity
- provenance
- recipe
- seed
- son
See more results » rootnoun[C](OF TOOTH/HAIR/NAIL)thepartof ahair,tooth, ornailthat is under theskin (毛发、牙或指甲的)根部SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHair - anti-dandruff
- as bald as a cootphrase
- baldness
- baldy
- bedhead
- curl
- five o'clock shadow
- frizzle
- frizzy
- fuzzy
- goatee
- lank
- mane
- muttonchops
- rug
- scurf
- slaphead
- walrus moustache
- waxed
- wig
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: The skin, hair & bone of non-human animals rootnoun[C](OF WORD)languagespecializedThe root of a word isitsmostbasicform, to which otherparts, such asaffixes, can beadded: 词根 The root of the word "sitting" is "sit".sitting 这个词的词根是 sit。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: morphology & parts of words - -athon
- -ative
- affix
- agglutinate
- agglutinative
- analytic
- combining form
- contraction
- ion
- ism
- libfix
- monomorphemic
- morphological
- morphology
- suffix
- there'd
- there's
- trigraph
- trisyllabic
- trisyllable
See more results » rootnoun[C](IN MATHEMATICS)mathematicsspecializedasolutionof someequations(=mathematicalstatements) (数学方程式的)根 specializedA root of aparticularnumberis anothernumberthat, whenmultipliedby itself one or moretimes,reachesthatnumber: 根;方根 Thesquareroot of 64 is 8, and thecuberoot of 64 is 4.64的平方根是8,立方根是4。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCalculations & calculating - algebraic
- algebraically
- algo
- algorithmic
- amount
- calculate
- calculator
- count
- formula
- guesstimate
- interpolate
- matrix
- miscalculation
- multigrid
- multigroup
- multipole
- non-commutative
- number-crunching
- triangulation
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Idiomsput down roots root and branch take root rootverb(LOOK)[Iusually+ adv/prep]tolookfor something byturningthings over: 翻找,翻寻 She rootedthrough/amongthepaperson herdesk.她在桌上的文件中翻来翻去地找东西。 Thepigsrootedforacornsin theforest.猪在树林里翻拱找橡子吃。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSearching - -seeking
- beachcomb
- beachcomber
- beachcombing
- body search
- bounty hunter
- divine
- hunting ground
- keepyour/aneye out forsomeone/somethingidiom
- leave no stone unturnedidiom
- lookout
- manhunt
- mudlark
- needle
- scout
- scrounge around
- search
- seeksomeone/somethingout
- seeker
- troll
See more results » rootverb(PLANT)Thetreesfailedto root and sodied.这些树没能生根,所以都死了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFlowers - general words - -petalled
- abscission
- anther
- be in blossomidiom
- bloom
- blossom
- come
- come out
- double
- female
- flowery
- head
- in floweridiom
- multi-headed
- photorespiration
- photosynthesize
- pollen
- posy
- stalk
- stamen
See more results » Phrasal verbsroot around(somewhere) root forsomeone rootsomething/someoneout rootsomethingout/up (Definition ofrootfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)root| American Dictionaryrootnoun(PLANT PART)[C]biologythepartof aplantwhichgrowsdown into theearth [C]biologyThe root of ahair,tooth, ornailis thepartof it that is inside thebody. rootnoun(ORIGIN)[C]theoriginorsourceof something: We must get to the root of thisproblem. rootnoun(WORD)[C]thebasicformof a word, to whichprefixesorendingscan beadded: The root of the word "sitting" is "sit." rootnoun(number)algebraanumberthat is thesolutionof anequation(=mathematicalstatement) rootverb[I/T](PLANT PART)(of aplant) todeveloproots andbegintogrow Phrasal verbroot forsomeone/something (Definition ofrootfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofrootroot Compare a non-highrootthat conditions retracted prefixes (42) with one that appears with an advanced prefix (43).From theCambridge English Corpus The incorporated form requires a short vowel because the only matching base is the boundroot\\-wok-\\, which occurs in the incorporated form.From theCambridge English Corpus In the initial syllable of a verbroot, there are no restrictions on the occurrence of vowel features.From theCambridge English Corpus Prenasalisation is restricted to the first obstruent in aroot.From theCambridge English Corpus In this language, 1st person singular is marked by an affix which induces nasalisation, butrootnasals never initiate the process.From theCambridge English Corpus Nasalisation in the 1st person form is more limited when therootcontains an obstruent.From theCambridge English Corpus Not just anyrootwith two identical consonants is counted here as pseudoreduplicated, so this observation is not vacuous.From theCambridge English Corpus Total reduplication of a quadrisyllabicrootproduces a dipodal reduplicant, which is worse aligned than the monopodal reduplicant (37a).From theCambridge English Corpus The evidence that the initial vowel is not underlying is that it is absent when the samerootoccurs in polysyllabic words.From theCambridge English Corpus Even if an underlyingly monosyllabicrootis pronounced with an intrusive copy vowel, an epenthetic copy vowel must also be added, as shown in (6).From theCambridge English Corpus Just in case therootis monosyllabic, as in (9), the subject prefix is lengthened.From theCambridge English Corpus Such constraints would govern identity between all corresponding features regardless of whether they are attached to arootnode or not.From theCambridge English Corpus The term prosodic feature refers here to the phonological exponent of a featural morpheme which is underlyingly free and unattached to arootnode.From theCambridge English Corpus Rosenthall's major claim is that the attested shapes ofrootaugmentations follow from various templatic requirements on the bases of plural affixation.From theCambridge English Corpus The constraint hierarchy in (9) exemplifies therootphonology.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithrootrootThese are words often used in combination withroot. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. biological roots The present findings underscore the need to include culture in the study of resilience, in addition to its biological roots and social correlates. From theCambridge English Corpus cassava root This shows that the use of resistant genotypes is a potential approach to effective management ofcassavarootrot disease. From theCambridge English Corpus deep root Evidence of faulting, however, is restricted to this profile, and there is no evidence of anydeeprootto the structure. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/root## |