uk/læsˈuː/us/læsˈuː/plurallassosorUSalsolassoesarope,formedinto aringat one end, that can betightenedbypullingthe other end:
绳套,套索Lassos are usedparticularlybycowboystocatchcattleandhorses.套索是牛仔专门用来套捕牛和马的工具。

Cords, ropes, cables & string
- bell pull
- bowline
- bungee
- cable
- catgut
- cord
- fibre
- flex
- halter
- halyard
- harness
- landline
- lariat
- rein
- shock cord
- string
- stringed
- stringy
- tether
- tow rope
uk/læsˈuː/us/læsˈuː/tocatchananimalbythrowingtheringof a lasso overitsheadand thentighteningit arounditsneck
(用套索)捕捉,套住to take a wild or loose animal
- catchThe dog got out, but we caught her.
- netWe netted a ton of fish downstream.
- trawlCommercial fisheries trawl these waters for cod.
- trollThey troll for tuna far offshore.
- lassoThe cowboys learned at a young age how to lasso horses and steers.
- trapThe turtles are trapped for their flesh.
Capturing or taking possession of things
- -grabbing
- apprehend
- apprehension
- arrogate
- at bayidiom
- cage
- capture
- catch
- clutch
- collar
- corner
- entangle
- get/lay/putyourhands onsomeoneidiom
- grab
- grabber
- repo man
- seize
- sequester
- sequestration
- snag