(thepersonor thing) after everyone or everythingelse:
最终的;最后的[+ to infinitive]Ihatebeingthelast onetoarriveat ameeting.我不愿意开会时最后一个到。
Ourhouseis the last one on theleftbefore thetrafficlights.我们家是交通信号灯前左侧的最后一家。
The Mets willsurelyfinishtheseasonin lastplace(= at thelowestrankoftheirdivision).梅茨队本赛季肯定要垫底了。
IknowJohnsonfinishedlast in therace, but who wassecond tolast(= the one before the one at the end)?我知道约翰逊在比赛中倒数第一,但谁是倒数第二呢?
I don'tknowwhy hebotherstobet- hishorsesalways come in last.我不明白他为什么还要去下注——他选的马总是落在最后面。
Atthe lastmoment(= as late aspossible)hechangedhismind.在最后一刻他改了主意。
He alwaysleavesimportantdecisionstothe last (possible)moment(= as late aspossible).在重大问题上他总要拖到最后一刻才作决定。
at (long) last
终于,最终I'vefinishedmyessayat last!我终于把论文写完了!
Atlonglast thegovernmentisstartingtolistentoourproblems.政府最后终于开始关注我们的问题了。
the last person, thing, etc.
the leastexpectedorwantedpersonor thing:
最让人想不到的人/事;最不想见的人/最不愿干的事Threeextrapeopletofeed- that's the last thing I need!再多养活3口人——我可受不了!
The last thing Iwantedwas to make youunhappy.我最不愿见到的就是惹你不开心。
Matthew is the lastpersonI'dexpectto beinterestedindance.我认为马修是最不喜欢跳舞的人。
He's the lastpersonI'dtrustwith mykeys.我最不放心把钥匙托付给他了。
- She's the lastpersonto beinterestedinviolentmovies.
- Creamcakesare the last thing you shouldeatif you're on adiet.
- He's the lastpersonI'dtrusttolookafter mychildren.
- The last thing I need is moreworkto do.
- IthinkI'm getting aheadache- that's the last thing I need today!
last thing (at night)
at thelatesttimein theday:
在一天的最后I'llswitchon thewashingmachinelast thing so it'll befinishedwhen I get up in themorning.晚上睡觉前我会开启洗衣机,这样等我早晨起床后衣服就洗好了。
the last time
If you say that it is the lasttimeyou will do something, youmeanthat you will never do it again:
最后一次He nevereventhankedme, so that's the lasttimeI do him afavour.他甚至从未向我表示过感谢,所以那是我最后一次帮他。
- My lastclassendsat four o'clock.
- Thedoctorsmade one lastdesperateattempttosavethe boy'slife.
- Ruth Ellis was the last woman to behangedinBritain.
- He was the lastpersontoseethe womanalive, andsuspicionimmediatelyfellon him.
- I didn'tmanageto write down that lastbitshe said, about themeeting.
Final and finally
- antepenultimate
- as a last resortidiom
- at the end of the dayidiom
- back end
- closing
- conclusion
- eventual
- eventually
- final
- finally
- hear/see the last ofsomethingidiom
- last-ditch
- lastly
- latest
- latter
- non-final
- the last but oneidiom
- the lastsomeoneheard/saw ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- ultimate
- ultimately
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Unsuitable and unacceptable
Finally,at last,lastlyorin the end?
Finally, at last, lastly and in the end all have a meaning of ‘after a period of time’. However, we use them in different ways.…Idioms
have the last laugh
last but not least
the last but one
the lastsomeoneheard/saw ofsomeone/something
the last minute
the last word insomething
to the last
(down) to the last...
to the last (man)
adjective[before noun],pronoun,noun[U]
(being) the only one orpartthat isleft:
最后的,最末的;最后的一个(或一部分)Do youmindif I have the lastchocolate?你介意我把最后一块巧克力吃了吗?
I'm down to my lastdollar- could Iborrowsomemoneyforlunch?我只剩最后一美元了——我能借点钱吃午饭吗?
She wasthelastofthegreateducationalreformers.她是唯一健在的伟大的教育改革家。
- You got the lastticket-damnyou, Iwantedthat!
- Today's my lastfulldayinParis.
- Gosteadyon themilk, Dan - that'sourlastbottle.
- Ifinallysurrenderedtotemptation, andatethe lastremainingchocolate.
- That's the lasttimeI'm going tolookafter herkids- I'll begladwhen the littledemonsgohome.
Final and finally
- antepenultimate
- as a last resortidiom
- at the end of the dayidiom
- back end
- closing
- conclusion
- eventual
- eventually
- final
- finally
- hear/see the last ofsomethingidiom
- last-ditch
- lastly
- latest
- latter
- non-final
- the last but oneidiom
- the lastsomeoneheard/saw ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- ultimate
- ultimately
Finally,at last,lastlyorin the end?
Finally, at last, lastly and in the end all have a meaning of ‘after a period of time’. However, we use them in different ways.…Idioms
as a last resort
hear/see the last ofsomething
onyourlast legs
on its last legs
(being) the mostrecentor the one before thepresentone:
上一次的;最近的;最后的Did youhearthestormlastnight(= during thepreviousnight)?你听到昨晚的暴风雨声了吗?
Did youseethenewson TV lastnight(=yesterdayevening)?昨晚那条电视新闻你看了吗?
They gotmarriedlastNovember.去年11月他们结婚了。
When was the lasttimeyou had acigarette?你上一次吸烟是在什么时候?
When did you last have acigarette?你最后一次吸烟是在什么时候?
She's beenworkingthere for the lastmonth(= for the fourweeksuntil now).上个月起她一直在那里工作。
formalCould youaccountforyourwhereaboutsonSundaylast?你能说说上个星期天你都去什么地方了吗?
The/These last fiveyearshave been verydifficultfor him.过去的5年他过得非常艰难。
Thelast weheardof her, she wasworkingas anEnglishteacherin France.上一次我们听到她的消息,她是在法国当英语教师。
Each of herpaintingshas beenbetterthanthelast.她的油画作品一幅比一幅有进步。
- Most of thediseasedtreeswerechoppeddown lastyear.
- Did youvoteConservativeat the lastelection?
- Who was shedancingwith at thepartylastnight?
- Intheirlastencounterwith Italy,Englandwon3-2.
- "Have you alwayslivedhere?" "As amatteroffactI've onlylivedhere for the last threeyears".
In the past
- ago
- any moreidiom
- anymore
- back in the dayidiom
- back thenidiom
- clock
- departed
- dim
- flood
- mist
- moon
- more
- no longeridiom
- non-current
- rewind the clockidiom
- sometime
- step
- step back (in time)idiom
- the mists of timeidiom
- the status quo ante
Finally,at last,lastlyorin the end?
Finally, at last, lastly and in the end all have a meaning of ‘after a period of time’. However, we use them in different ways.…Idiom
the week/month/year before last
verb[I,L only+ noun]
持续,延续,继续Themeetinglasted twohours.会议持续了两个小时。
They say thesnowwill lastuntilthe end of nextweek.他们说这场雪要一直下到下周末。
I can'tseetheceasefirelasting.我认为停火不会持续下去。
They haven't had anargumentfor twoweeks, but it'stoo good tolast(= they'll have anargumentsoon).他们已经两周没吵架了,但这种状态恐怕持续不了多久。
Idoubttheirenthusiasmwill last.我怀疑他们只是一时的心血来潮。
He'sworkingveryefficientlyat themoment, but it won't last.目前他的工作效率很高,但不会持续很久。
tocontinuebeing good orsuitable:
维持,保持There's nopointbuyingsomething that isn't going to last.买些不耐用的东西根本毫无意义。
Thecheaperwashingmachinesshould last about fiveyears.比较便宜的洗衣机大约可以使用5年。
Thispenshould last (you) alifetimeif you takecareof it.如果注意爱护,这支钢笔可以用上一辈子。
Herprevioussecretaryonly lasted amonth(=leftafter thisperiod).她的前任秘书只干了1个月。
- Theexamlasted anhourand ahalf.
- Therelationshipwas never going towork, but it wasfunwhile it lasted.
- Theelectionbroadcast, a nine-hourmarathon, lasts until seven o'clock in themorning.
- Apparently this goodweatherisn't going to last until theweekend.
- Who canpredicthowlongthisuneasypeacebetween the twocountrieswill last?
Continue & last
- (it's) business as usualidiom
- bash on
- carry(something)on
- cease
- cont.
- contd
- drag
- echo
- insist ondoing something
- jag
- keep atsomething
- keepsomeoneat itidiom
- leg
- push on
- run on
- runsomeone/somethingover
- seesomethingout
- segue
- span
- spin
not last long
Phrasal verb
last out