prima facie
adjective[before noun]
lawformalorspecializeduk/ˌpraɪ.mə ˈfeɪ.ʃi/us/ˌpraɪ.mə ˈfeɪ.ʃi/at firstsight(=basedon whatseemsto be thetruthwhen firstseenorheard):
初步认定的;建立在初次印象上的There is prima facieevidencethat he wasinvolvedin thefraud.有初步证据证明他参与了这场骗局。
For millions ofAmericanswitnessingtheevent, it was a prima faciecaseofpolicebrutality.对于目睹了这起事件的数百万美国人来说,初看起来这是一起警察施暴案件。
Seeming and purporting to be
- apparent
- appear
- as if/thoughidiom
- by the look(s) of thingsidiom
- come across
- come off
- outward
- outwardly
- parallax
- pass
- pass for sb/sth
- persona
- semblance
- so-called
- sound
- superficial
- superficiality
- superficially
- supposed
- surface