lay sister
uk/ˈleɪ ˌsɪs.tər/us/ˈleɪ ˌsɪs.tɚ/a woman who is not amemberof theclergy(=religiousleaders,especiallyChristianpriests,ministers, etc.)but whobelongsto areligiousgroup,especiallyagrouplivingtogether in aconvent, and who doessimpleworkfor thegroup, such aspreparingfood:
(尤指在教堂中打杂的)女役工Theychattedhappilyto thenunsbutignoredthelaysisters.他们跟修女们愉快畅谈,但并不理会那些女役工。
The Prioryhoused80nunsandlaysistersand 40canonsandlaybrothers.该修道院住着80位修女和女役工,以及40位修士和男役工。
- Thebreadandcheesewasbroughtup on aplatterby anagedlaysister.
- Only one of thelaysisterswhoservedat Kerever Park was stillalive.
- Shebecamealaysisterto make “expiation” for thescandalsof herfamily.
Religious people: monks & nuns
- abbess
- abbey
- abbot
- anchorite
- ascetic
- benedictine
- flagellant
- Franciscan
- friar
- friary
- hermit
- monastic
- monasticism
- monk
- mother
- novice
- prioress
- priory
- Trappist monk
- veil