(alsoLatam,LatAm)uk/ˈlæt.æm/us/ˈlæt̬.æm/finance & economicsusuallyspecialized
shortforLatin America:
拉美地区(Latin America 的缩略形式)Marginsimprovedduetohighersalesin LATAM.由于拉美地区销售额增加,利润率有所提高。
- LatinoEyes isdevotedtoofferinggenuineculturalinsightsinto theLatinomarketin the US and LATAM.
- LATAM andAsiacontinuedto be thegrowthdrivers,whereasEuropehad eitherflatormutedgrowth.
- Latam'saccesstoexternalcredittook ahitduring the pastcoupleofweeks.
- All of thesecentralbanksare behind thecurveeverywhere- inAsia, in Latam, inEurope, and in the US.
Countries, nationalities & continents: continents & regions of the world
- Afrocentric
- Afrocentrism
- amazonian
- Antarctica
- Antipodean
- Australasian
- Caribbean
- Iberian
- Lapland
- lat.
- Latin America
- latitudinal
- Levantine
- longitude
- parallel
- pole
- the Far East
- the prime meridian
- transcontinental
- tropical
(alsoLatam,LatAm)uk/ˈlæt.æm/us/ˈlæt̬.æm/finance & economicsusuallyspecialized
shortforLatin American:
拉美地区的(Latin American 的缩略形式)MajorLATAMeconomies, such asBrazil, Mexico, and Chile, hadseenaperiodofrapidexpansion.拉美地区的主要经济体,如巴西、墨西哥和智利,经历了一个快速发展期。
In many LatAmcountries, there aresignificantchallengesahead.许多拉美国家今后都将面临重大挑战。
- Internationalinvestorsareincreasingtheirexposureto the LatAmmarkets.
- The GironafactoryservesEuropean,NorthAmerican,Asian, andparticularlyLatamcustomers.
- Why should the USintervenein theaffairsof a LATAMcountry?
Countries, nationalities & continents: continents & regions of the world
- Afrocentric
- Afrocentrism
- amazonian
- Antarctica
- Antipodean
- Australasian
- Caribbean
- Iberian
- Lapland
- lat.
- Latin America
- latitudinal
- Levantine
- longitude
- parallel
- pole
- the Far East
- the prime meridian
- transcontinental
- tropical