formaluk/ˈleɪ.təˈleɪ.tə[U](NOT YET ACTIVE)
thefactof beingpresentbutneedingparticularconditionstobecomeactive,obvious, orcompletelydeveloped:
潜在因素;潜伏The latencyperiodfor thecanceris 15years.癌症的潜伏期是十五年。
Theymeasuredthe latency of the brain'sresponseto astimulus.他们测量了大脑对刺激做出反应的潜在因素。
- There is alonglatencyperiodbetween theformationofgallstonesand theonsetofsymptoms.
- Theprolongedlatency ofepiduralanalgesia may beunacceptablein somecases.
- accident
- an accident waiting to happenidiom
- auspicious
- auspiciously
- be an actor, cook, etc. in the makingidiom
- commanding
- embryo
- fertile
- making
- not be beyond the wit of man/someoneidiom
- potential
- potentiality
- potentially
- prospect
- prospective
- realizable
- retrievable
- room
- room for improvementidiom
- sleeper
thedelaybetween aninstructiontotransfer(=move)computerinformationand theinformationbeingtransferred, forexampleover theinternet:
If there is high latency,messagescan takeminutesorlongerto bedelivered.
Wefounditimpossibletoholdchoirrehearsalsonlinebecause ofproblemswith latency.
- Theadvantageof thistechniqueis that theclientandservercancommunicatewithminimallatency.
- High latency isacceptableinapplicationsthat do notrequirerealtimeresponse.
- So the latency betweenpostinganupdatedversionandclientdetectionof thatchangecan beopen-ended.
- Access latency refers to howfastdatacan bebroughtfrommemoryto thecache.
Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- capture
- computing
- configuration
- importation
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- scan
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine
- Turing test