ofgreatvaluebecause of beingrare,expensive, orimportant:
珍贵的,宝贵的a preciousgift珍贵的礼物
a preciousmoment/memory宝贵的时刻/记忆
Cleanwateris a preciouscommodityin manypartsof theworld.在世界上很多地方洁净的水是昂贵的商品。
You're so precioustome.你对我来说就是珍宝。
- Themuseumisfullofrareand precioustreasures.
- acollectionof preciousobjects
- preciousstones
- Hurry up now, you'rewastingprecioustime!
- Thisletteris really precious to me because it's the last one that Peteeverwrote.
Expensive & luxurious
- champagne
- costliness
- delicacy
- expense
- expensively
- fancy
- gold plate
- graciousness
- luxury goods
- no expense is sparedidiom
- opulent
- premium-rate
- prestige
- priceless
- sumptuously
- super-deluxe
- super-expensive
- swish
- upmarket
- valuable
preciousadjective(NOT NATURAL)
behavingin a veryformalandunnaturalway by giving too muchattentiontodetailsthat are notimportantandtryingtoo hard to beperfect:
过分讲究的,做作的He's so preciousabouthisworkthat he never gets anything done.他对自己的活儿太讲究了,反而什么都做不成。
Don't youhatethe preciouswayshespeaks,pronouncingeachsingleconsonantsoprecisely.她讲话做作的样子真让人讨厌,每个辅音都发得那么准确。
Affected & insincere
- affectation
- affected
- affectedly
- archly
- artificial
- feyness
- forced
- fustian
- glib
- glibly
- posey
- preciously
- preciousness
- precocious
- precociousness
- theatricality
- theatrically
- tokenism
- tokenistic
- two-faced
preciousadjective(SHOWING DISLIKE)
[before noun]informal
used toexpressdislikeand/oranger:
(表示讨厌和/或恼怒)宝贝似的You andyourpreciouscar- it's all you'reinterestedin!你心里只有你和你那辆宝贝车!
Expressions of anger
- ay
- bally
- beg
- biscuit
- blast
- blasted
- bloody
- dash
- dickens
- drat
- egad
- fie
- flaming
- flip
- flipping
- la
- marry
- need
- put/stick that in your pipe and smoke it!idiom
- rats
极其,非常(同 very)Lots ofpeoplewillstart, but preciousfewwillfinish.许多人将开始去做,但极少数能完成。
Becareful- you'll be preciouslittlehelpif you come backinjured.小心——如果你受了伤回来就帮不上什么忙了。
Linguistics: very & extreme
- abjectly
- abundantly
- beyond
- biblical
- blankly
- completely
- desperately
- extreme
- highly
- positive
- rank
- raving
- smack
- spectacularly
- such
- terrible
- terribly
- unutterably
- veritably
- wonderfully