formaluk/prɪˈkluːd/us/prəˈkluːd/topreventsomething or make itimpossible, orpreventsomeone from doing something:
排除,防止,杜绝;阻碍Hiscontractprecludes himfromdiscussinghisworkwith anyoneoutsidethecompany.合同中禁止他与公司外的人谈论工作。
Thefactthatyourapplicationwas notsuccessfulthistimedoes not preclude thepossibilityof youapplyingagain nexttime.这次申请失败并不妨碍你下次再申请。
Preventing and impeding
- anti-jamming
- avert
- avoid
- avoidable
- bar
- be a drag onsomeone/somethingidiom
- bottleneck
- derail
- fireproof
- hamper
- hang
- havesomeone/somethinghanging roundyourneckidiom
- head off
- hinder
- prevent
- preventable
- prevention
- prevention is better than cureidiom
- preventive
- scuttle