topullapart; totearor betornviolentlyandquickly:
撕裂;撕破;划破His newtrousersripped when hebentdown.他弯腰时把新裤子撑开了线。
I ripped myshirton anail.我的衬衫被一颗钉子划破了。
[+ obj + adj]Sheexcitedlyripped thepackageopen.她兴奋地撕开了包裹。
Thewindripped theflagto/intoshreds(= into littlepieces).风把旗子刮成了一缕缕的破布条。
C1[T+ adv/prep]
toremovesomethingquickly, without beingcareful:
迅速扯开;猛力去除Iwishtheoldfireplaceshadn't been rippedout.我真希望当时没有拆掉这些旧壁炉。
We rippedupthecarpetsandlaida newwoodenfloor.我们拖走了地毯,铺了新木地板。
- I've ripped mytrousers- can youstitchthem up for me?
- Thesleeveof myjacket(got)caughton thedoorhandleand ripped.
- Rip thebasilleavesintopiecesandsprinklethem over thesalad.
- Theeagleusesitsbeakto rip themeatfrom thecarcass.
- She ripped herdresson anailthat wasprotrudingfrom thebench.
Tearing and breaking into pieces
- apart
- asunder
- bobble
- bobbly
- break(something)off
- catch
- chip
- crack
- fall apart
- fall to piecesidiom
- fragment
- fragmentation
- fragmented
- frayed
- splinter
- split
- sunder
- tearsomethingapart
- tearsomethingup
- teardown
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Removing and extracting
tocopypicturesorsoundsfrom a CD orDVDonto acomputer:
(从光盘把图片或声音)撷取/复制(至电脑)How do I rip aDVDmovietomy harddrive?怎样能把DVD电影拷到我的硬盘上?
Copying and copies
- anti-counterfeiting
- anti-piracy
- ape
- biomimicry
- blueprint
- bootleg
- derivative
- facsimile
- imaging
- imitate
- imitation
- imitative
- imitator
- mail merge
- pirate
- pirated
- plagiarism
- plagiarize
- recopy
- reproduce
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Computer concepts
Phrasal verbs
rip into sb/sth
rip throughsomething
atearin apieceofclothorpaper:
(布料或纸张的)裂口Yoursleevehas a rip in it.你袖子上裂了道口子。

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Tearing and breaking into pieces
- apart
- asunder
- bobble
- bobbly
- break(something)off
- catch
- chip
- crack
- fall apart
- fall to piecesidiom
- fragment
- fragmentation
- fragmented
- frayed
- splinter
- split
- sunder
- tearsomethingapart
- tearsomethingup
- teardown
acopyof a CD orDVDthat you make on acomputer:
(在计算机上制作的光盘)复制本,拷贝illegalrips of copyrightedmusic正版音乐的非法拷贝
Copying and copies
- anti-counterfeiting
- anti-piracy
- ape
- biomimicry
- blueprint
- bootleg
- derivative
- facsimile
- imaging
- imitate
- imitation
- imitative
- imitator
- mail merge
- pirate
- pirated
- plagiarism
- plagiarize
- recopy
- reproduce
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Computer concepts