uk/ˈrəʊl.ə.weɪ/us/ˈroʊl.ə.weɪ/A rollawaypieceoffurnitureis onwheelsso you canmoveit veryeasily:
可移动的a rollawaybed可移动床
Furniture & fittings - general words
- appointed
- bamboo
- built-in
- caning
- castor
- fitment
- fitted
- fitting
- fixture
- flatpack
- foldable
- homeware
- hostess trolley
- ionizer
- overequipped
- pullout
- self-assembly
- space-saving
- sprung
- sunshade
USuk/ˈrəʊl.ə.weɪ/us/ˈroʊl.ə.weɪ/abedonwheelsthat you canmoveveryeasily:
(帶輪子的)移動床Ifdoublebedsare notsuitableforsharing, rollaways are usuallyavailable.
Ibuiltmy rollaway out oftimber, withfixedwheels.

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- Tripleroomdiscountsarebasedonsharingatwin-beddedroomwith anextrabedwhich may be a rollaway.
- There was alargekingbedand a rollaway for mydaughter.
- Families arewelcomeand thehotelhascribsand rollaways.
Beds & parts of beds
- air mattress
- airbed
- bassinet
- bed
- bedhead
- berth
- carrycot
- couch
- couchette
- crib
- day bed
- divan
- Li-lo
- mattress
- memory foam
- moses basket
- queen-size
- trundle bed
- twin bed
- waterbed