tocontrolagroupofpeople, acountry, or asituation:
领导,带领,率领Ithinkwe'vechosentherightpersonto lead theexpedition.我认为我们已经找到了带领这支探险队的合适人选。
I'veaskedGemma to lead thediscussion.我已请杰玛组织大家讨论。
Who will be leading theinquiryinto theaccident?谁来领导事故的调查工作?
- There was nobodystrongenough to lead aneffectivecountervailingforceagainst thedictator.
- Men have alwaysplayedanactivepartin leadingworshipwhile women have beenconfinedto morepassiveroles.
- Gandhi and Martin Luther King both ledcampaignsofcivildisobediencetotrytopersuadetheauthoritiestochangetheirpolicies.
- Theoppositionleaderled a veryforcefulattackon thegovernmentinparliamentthismorning.
- Thedeputystatefiremarshalled thearsoninvestigation.
Controlling and being in charge
- aggrandize
- assume
- assumption
- authoritative
- authoritatively
- commanding
- cynical
- dictate
- guiding principle
- harness
- have (got)someoneby the short and curliesidiom
- havesomeoneby the ballsidiom
- havesomeoneeating out ofyourhandidiom
- override
- plenipotentiary
- police
- policing
- possess
- power play
- skipper
leadverb(BE WINNING)
(especiallyinsportsor other competitions) to be infront, to be first, or to bewinning:
(尤指在比赛中)领先,位居前列After 30minutesthechallengerswere leadingbytwogoals.30分钟过后挑战者已经领先两分。
With twolapsto go Ngomo ledbyless than twoseconds.还剩下两圈时恩科莫领先不到两秒钟。
The Lions are leading the Hawks 28–9.猛狮队以28:9领先老鹰队。
- Thepollshowsthat thegovernmentis leading by thenarrowestofmargins.
- Athalf-time,Unitedwere leading with twogoalsbyBlack.
- She's been leadingthroughouttherace, but it nowlooksas if she'stiring.
- The Sonics led by only 2pointsatintermission.
- Thechampionwas leading by two sets to one whenrainstoppedplay.
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
- aet
- against the run of playidiom
- bag
- blowsomeoneaway
- close-run
- co-holder
- concede
- equalizer
- golden goal
- pull
- pull back
- reelsomethingoff
- relegation zone
- run away withsomeone
- score
- scorecard
- straight
- strike
- treble
- walk itidiom
tocausesomeone to do something,especiallysomethingbad:
引诱,诱导[+ to infinitive]Thebrochureled metobelievethat thepriceincludedhomedelivery.这本小册子诱使我相信价格中包含送货费。
It'sworryingthat such aprominentpoliticianis soeasilyled.如此显要的政治家竟然这样容易被人误导实在令人担忧。
He was aweakman, ledastraybyambition.他是个意志薄弱的人,野心让他迷失了方向。
- Thesuccessof theproductled manyfirmstotrytocopythem.
- Theseductionsoflifein awarmclimatehave led manyBritonstoliveabroad,especiallyin Spain.
- It was hisinstinctforself-preservationthat led him toabandonhisformerfriendsandtransferhisallegianceto the newrulers.
- He's at thatimpressionableagewhen he's veryeasilyled by otherchildren.
- What led you to make such adrasticdecision?
Causing somebody to act
- arm-twisting
- bludgeon
- bounce
- bouncesomeoneintosomething
- bulldoze
- bully
- forcibly
- holdsomeoneto ransomidiom
- impel
- impose
- jolt
- railroad
- ramsomethingintosomeone
- ransom
- reduce
- reducesomeonetosomething
- reimpose
- reimposition
- slap
- squeeze
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Affecting and influencing
leadverb(SHOW WAY)
to show the way to agroupofpeople,animals,vehicles, etc. by going infrontof them:
带路,领路,引路I don'tknowthe way, so you'dbetterlead.我不认识路,你最好在前面带路。
If you lead in thejeep, we'llfollowbehind on thehorses.如果你开吉普车带路,我们就骑马跟在后面。
To lead agroupofmovingpeopleorvehiclesis towalkordriveinfrontof them:
引导,引领,给…当先导Thelocalyouthbandwill lead theparadethisweekend.在周末的游行中当地的青年乐队将走在最前面。
Alargeblackhearseled thefuneralprocession.一辆大型黑色灵车引领着整个送葬队伍。
B1[Tusually+ adv/prep]
to take someonesomewhere, by going with them:
带,领She led them down thehall.她带着他们走过大厅。
Thewaiterled us toourtable.侍者把我们领到桌边。
Ourguideled us through themountains.向导领我们穿过了山区。
to take someone somewhere
- takeI have to take my mother to the doctor today.
- go withI offered to go with him to the police station.
- come withCan you come to the hospital with me?
- accompanyChildren under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
- driveMy husband usually drives the kids to school.
- give someone a liftCan you give me a lift into town?
B1[Tusually+ adv/prep]
to takeholdof apersonoranimaland take him, her, or itsomewhere:
领,牵She took thechildby thehandand led himupstairstobed.她拉着孩子的手领他上楼睡觉。
He led thehorseout of thestable.他把马从马厩里牵了出来。
lead the way
to show the way by going infront:
带路,领路,引路You've been there before - why don't you lead the way?你以前去过那里——为什么不给我们带路?
to make moreprogressthan otherpeoplein thedevelopmentof something:
领先Thecompanyhas been leading the wayinnetworkapplicationsfor severalyears.几年来该公司在网络应用方面一直处于领先地位。
- They led us into theforest.
- Agroupoffirefightersled themarch.
- WeaskedRalph to lead us through theroughterrain.
- They led in thecarand wefollowedonbikes.
- They led us into asmallroom.
Taking someone somewhere or telling them the way
- accompany
- bring
- bringsomeone/somethingalong
- chaperone
- come
- come along
- convoy
- direct
- docent
- drop
- guide
- march
- referral
- shepherd
- showsomeonearound (something)
- showsomeoneoversomething
- showsomeoneround(something)
- squire
- steer
- walk
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Ahead, in front and beyond
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
B2[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
(especiallyofroads,paths,doors,signs,information, etc.) to go in aparticulardirectionor have aparticularresult, or toalloworcausethis:
伸向,通向,通往There's atrackthat leadsdirectlytothereservoir.有一条小道直接通向水库。
Thisinformationled thepolicetoahousenear theharbour.警察根据这个情报来到了港湾附近的一座房子。
- Thisdoorleads to thegarden.
- Anarrowpathled totheircottage.
- Muddyfootprintsled to thedoor.
- Where does thisroadlead?
- Thesteppingstonesleadacrossthemarsh.
Taking someone somewhere or telling them the way
- accompany
- bring
- bringsomeone/somethingalong
- chaperone
- come
- come along
- convoy
- direct
- docent
- drop
- guide
- march
- referral
- shepherd
- showsomeonearound (something)
- showsomeoneoversomething
- showsomeoneround(something)
- squire
- steer
- walk
lead a busy, normal, quiet, etc. life
过着忙碌/正常/宁静等的生活He wasableto lead anormallife,despitetheillness.尽管有病但他还可以过正常的生活。
Wecertainlydon't lead alifeofluxurybut we're notpooreither.我们的生活当然并不奢华,但也算不上贫困。
Life and living
- alive
- animate
- borrow
- cheat
- cheat deathidiom
- co-exist
- cradle
- immortal
- last out
- life cycle
- life expectancy
- life form
- life history
- pelagic
- raise
- raisesomeonefrom the deadidiom
- revenant
- social life
- subsist
- vital
leadsomeonea (merry) dance
leadsomeoneby the nose
leadsomeoneup the garden path
lead the field/pack/world
Phrasal verbs
lead off
lead tosomething
lead up tosomething
lead withsomething
uk/liːd/us/liːd/leadnoun(WINNING POSITION)
awinningpositionduring araceor othersituationwherepeoplearecompeting:
领先,占优For the firsttimein theraceHarrison isinthe lead.在此次比赛中哈里森第一次领先。
With afinalburstofspeedshewent/movedintothe lead.经过最后冲刺她跑到了最前面。
After last night'swinJohnson hastaken (over)the lead in thechampionshiptable.昨晚获胜后,约翰逊已经登上了冠军榜的榜首。
By the end of the day'splayDavies had a leadofthreepoints.经过一天的比赛戴维斯领先3分。
- Thelatestopinionpollputs the Democrats in the lead.
- TheFrenchdriverhas taken the lead in the Paris-Dakarrally.
- Shesucceededinretainingher lead in the secondhalfof therace.
- Italy had acomfortablethree-goal lead over France byhalf-time.
- Lewisheldonto the lead until thefinallap.
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
- aet
- against the run of playidiom
- bag
- blowsomeoneaway
- close-run
- co-holder
- concede
- equalizer
- golden goal
- pull
- pull back
- reelsomethingoff
- relegation zone
- run away withsomeone
- score
- scorecard
- straight
- strike
- treble
- walk itidiom
leadnoun(SHOWING WAY)
C2[Cusually singular]
theactofshowingapersonorgroupofpeoplewhat to do:
示范,榜样We'll go through thedanceroutineagain -followmy lead(= do what I do).我们再走一遍基本舞步——照我的样子做。
Controlling and being in charge
- aggrandize
- assume
- assumption
- authoritative
- authoritatively
- commanding
- cynical
- dictate
- guiding principle
- harness
- have (got)someoneby the short and curliesidiom
- havesomeoneby the ballsidiom
- havesomeoneeating out ofyourhandidiom
- override
- plenipotentiary
- police
- policing
- possess
- power play
- skipper
apieceofinformationthatallowsadiscoveryto be made or asolutionto befound:
线索,提示A lead from aninformerenabledthepoliceto make severalarrests.根据告密者提供的线索,警察逮捕了几个人。
Information and messages
- advertisement
- aide-mémoire
- ammunition
- basics
- fascia
- info
- infodemic
- infodump
- infographic
- information
- memorandum
- poop
- postscript
- push notification
- radiogram
- readout
- relabel
- shingle
- the bare bones
- the real deal
the leadC2[C]
themainpartoractorin afilmorplay
主角,主演Cinema & theatre: actors & performers
- actor
- actress
- all-star
- belly dancer
- body double
- chorus
- improviser
- juvenile lead
- leading lady
- leading man
- luvvy
- performer
- scream queen
- spear carrier
- stage name
- starlet
- stooge
- superstar
- thespian
- troupe
a wirecoveredinplasticand used toconnectelectricalequipmentto theelectricitysupply
Cords, ropes, cables & string
- bell pull
- bowline
- bungee
- cable
- catgut
- cord
- fibre
- flex
- halter
- halyard
- harness
- landline
- lanyard
- lariat
- rein
- shackles
- shock cord
- stringed
- stringy
- tether
leadnoun(FOR ANIMAL)
apieceofrope,chain, etc.tiedto ananimal,especiallyto adogatitscollarwhen taking it for awalk:
(拴狗等动物用的)绳索,链子Pleasekeepyourdogona lead when on thebeach.在海滩上请牵住你的狗。

andrewburgess/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Cords, ropes, cables & string
- bell pull
- bowline
- bungee
- cable
- catgut
- cord
- fibre
- flex
- halter
- halyard
- harness
- landline
- lanyard
- lariat
- rein
- shackles
- shock cord
- stringed
- stringy
- tether
adjective[before noun]
used todescribethemainperformerorpartin aperformance:
演主要角色的Whoplayedthe leadrolein themovie?这部电影谁演主角?
The leadguitaristwas good.首席吉他手很好。
Important people and describing important people
- august
- baron
- be the cat's whiskersidiom
- doyen
- doyenne
- first among equalsidiom
- get oversomething/someone
- get over yourself!idiom
- guest of honour
- lynchpin
- Mister Big
- mogul
- moment
- movers and shakers
- nabob
- the big boys
- the big enchiladaidiom
- the grand old man ofsomethingidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema & theatre: actors & performers