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pressverb(PUSH)B1[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]topushsomethingfirmly, often withoutcausingit tomovepermanentlyfurtheraway from you: 按,压;推;挤 Press thebuttontostartthemachine.按下按钮,启动机器。 He pressed hisfaceagainst thewindow.他把脸贴在窗户上。 Can you press a littleharderon myshoulders,please?你按压我的肩膀时能再用力一点吗? Thecrowdpressed against thelockeddoorstryingto get into thebuilding.人群推挤着上锁的门想进到楼里去。 Pressdownfirmlyon thelever.用力向下压杠杆。 [T]to makeclothessmoothbyironingthem: 熨平,烫平 I'll just press thesetrousers.我正要把这些裤子熨平。 [T]to put aweightonfruitinordertoremovethejuice: 挤取,榨取(果汁) [T]to make a CD,DVD, etc.: 制作,录制(唱片) Over 3,000copiesof the CD were pressed andsentout tocollegeradiostations.录制了超过3000张激光唱片并送到各个大学的广播站。 [T]to make somethingflatandfirmby putting it under somethingheavy: 把…压平,压扁 Thechildrenpressed someflowers.孩子们压到了一些花。 pressedturkeybreast压紧的火鸡胸脯肉 - Peel off thebackingstripand press thelabeldownfirmly.
- I put mymoneyin theslotand pressed thebuttonbut nothing came out.
- I pressed thebuzzerand after a while someone came to thedoor.
- Mike pressed hard on thewoundandstaunchedtheflowofblood.
- Heinsertedthe CD and pressed the 'play'button.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSqueezing and grinding - compression
- concertina
- constrict
- constriction
- crush
- gnashyourteethidiom
- mash
- mill
- nip
- noncompressible
- pinch
- presser
- pulp
- snap
- squash
- squeeze
- squinch
- squish
- tamp
- unmilled
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Cleaning clothes Preparing food Recording sounds and images pressverb(PERSUADE)C2[T]totryhard topersuadesomeone to do something: 敦促;逼迫;催促 [+ obj + to infinitive]Thecommitteepressed himtorevealmoreinformation.委员会敦促他透露更多信息。 He's pressing meforananswer.他逼着我作出答复。 Can I press youfurtheron(=persuadeyou to say more about)thisissue?我能否要求你对这件事作进一步说明? press charges C2tocomplainofficiallyabout someone in alawcourt: 提起诉讼 Thefamilyhavedecidednot to presschargesagainsthim.这家人决定不对他提出诉讼。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto accuse someone of something - accuseHe was accused of statutory rape.
- make an accusation againstShe was arrested for making false accusations against her former employer.
- level an accusation againstFerguson was furious at the accusations levelled against his player.
- level a charge againstShe denied all the charges levelled against her.
- hurl accusations atShe hurled accusations at her ex-husband across the courtroom.
- charge someone withHe was charged with three counts of fraud.
See more results » press a case/claim tocontinuetotryto makepeopleacceptyourdemands: 坚持,竭力要求Once again hetriedto press hiscaseforpromotion.他又一次竭力要求晋升。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUrging & persuading - ambulance-chasing
- argumentation
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- blag
- blagger
- chivvy
- fob
- induce
- inveigle
- jolly
- lean
- lean onsomeone/something
- miseducate
- miseducation
- overencourage
- soft sell
- urge
- work onsomething
- wrap
- wrapsomeonearoundyourlittle fingeridiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Idiomspresssomething/someoneinto service press homeyouradvantage press the flesh Phrasal verbspress on/ahead presssomethingonsomeone pressnoun(NEWSPAPERS)the press[S,+ sing/pl verb] B2newspapersandmagazines, and thosepartsoftelevisionandradiothatbroadcastnews, orreportersandphotographerswhoworkfor them: 报刊;报道;新闻界;记者,新闻工作者 Theincidenthas beenwidelyreportedinthe press.报刊广泛报道了此事。 pressreports/coverage媒体报道 pressreporters/photographers新闻记者/摄影师 thelocal/nationalpress地方性/全国性报刊 Thecharityinvitedthe press(=reportersandphotographers)to apresentationofitsplansfor thefuture.这家慈善机构邀请新闻界参加其未来计划的介绍会。 The press was out inforceat theawardsceremony.记者纷纷去采访颁奖仪式。 Freedomofthe press(= therightofnewspaperstopublishnewsandopinionswithout beingcontrolledby thegovernment)must beupheld.新闻自由必须得到捍卫。 - Thegovernmentis beingwidelycriticizedin the press forfailingtolimitairpollution.
- Thejudgeissuedagaggingordertopreventthewitnessesfromspeakingto the press.
- Jones was censured forleakingasecretreportto the press.
- Theschoolissuedthe press with astatementaboutitsplans.
- I never said that at all - the pressmisquotedme.
C1[SorU]thejudgmentthat is given of someone or something in thenewspapersor onradioortelevision: 新闻舆论,媒体评论 Whatkindof press did hisplayget?媒体对他的剧本评论如何? UKTheplayhashada good/badpress.媒体对这部戏的评论很好/不好。 USTheplayhashad good/badpress.媒体对这部戏的评论很好/不好。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMedia in general - anti-press
- consume
- mainstream media
- media
- media event
- medium
- non-broadcast
- organ
- profile
- publishing
- the Fourth Estate
- the mass media
- vehicle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Newspapers & magazines Judgments and analyses pressnoun(BOOKS)[C]abusinessthatprintsandproducesbooksandsimilarthings: 出版社;印刷所 Cambridge University Press剑桥大学出版社 - Edinburgh University Press
- publishedby Manchester University Press
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPublishing: printing & word processing - 3-D printing
- backspace
- bed
- boldface
- boldfaced
- Braille
- compose
- indent
- indentation
- inline
- intaglio printing
- italic
- print run
- printsomethingout
- printed
- printing
- printing press
- rubber stamp
- stamp
- xerography
See more results » pressnoun(PRINTING MACHINE)[C]amachinethat is used forprinting: 印刷机  Kim Steele/DigitalVision/GettyImages go to press tostartto beprinted: 付印,开印Thenewspaperwill go to press atmidnight.报纸将在午夜付印。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPublishing: printing & word processing - 3-D printing
- backspace
- bed
- boldface
- boldfaced
- Braille
- compose
- indent
- indentation
- inline
- intaglio printing
- italic
- print run
- printsomethingout
- printed
- printing
- printing press
- rubber stamp
- stamp
- xerography
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: pressnoun(PUSH)[Cusually singular]afirmpushagainst something using thefingers: 按,压,推,挤 Tostartthemachine, justgivethisbuttona press.要启动机器,按一下这个按钮就可以了。 [S]theactof makingclothsmoothwith aniron: 熨烫 Can yougivethisshirtaquickpress?你能快速熨一下这件衬衫吗? [C]apieceofequipmentthat is used to putweighton something inordertocrushit,removeliquidfrom it or to make itflat: 压平器;压榨机;熨烫机 agarlic/trouser/winepress压蒜器/烫裤机/葡萄酒压榨机 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSqueezing and grinding - compression
- concertina
- constrict
- constriction
- crush
- gnashyourteethidiom
- mash
- mill
- nip
- noncompressible
- pinch
- presser
- pulp
- snap
- squash
- squeeze
- squinch
- squish
- tamp
- unmilled
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Making things more or less smooth or straight Wines & winemaking (Definition ofpressfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)press| American Dictionarypressverb(PUSH)[I/T]topushfirmlyagainst something that isfixedinposition: [T]I pressed thevolumebuttonon theremote. [Ialways+ adv/prep]Thecrowdpressed up against thedoors. [Ialways+ adv/prep]He pressed down hard on theaccelerator, and thecarshotahead. [I/T]When you pressclothes, you use aniron(= aheavydevicewith aflatbase)to make themsmooth. pressverb(PERSUADE)[T]totrytopersuadeorcausesomeone to do something, or toactin adeterminedway tocausesomething to beaccepted: Thepolicepressed her toidentifythe man she hadseen. Marquez willvisitWashington to press his country’scase. Shedecidednot to presschargesagainst him(= make anofficialcomplaint). Phrasal verbspress ahead (withsomething) press forsomething press on pressnoun(DEVICE)[C]any ofvariousdevicesthat useforce: apantspress agarlicpress aprintingpress pressnoun(NEWSPAPERS)[U]newspapers,magazines, and otherbusinessesthatcommunicatenewsto thepublicbyprint,television, orradio, or thepeoplewhoworktoprepareandpresentthenews: Is the press tooconservative? [U]Good/badpress is thepositiveornegativereactionofnewspapers,magazines, etc., to apersonor thing: At somepoint, everypresidenthascomplainedaboutbadpress. pressnoun(PUBLISHER)[C]abusinessthatprintsandproducesbooksor otherprintedmaterial: Cambridge University Press (Definition ofpressfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)totryhard topersuadesomeone to do something: Thecommitteepressed him torevealmoreinformation. press (sb) for sthThelawyersarelikelyto press for asettlementofclaims. press charges tocomplainofficiallyabout someone in acourtoflaw: press charges against sbItalianmagistratesareexpectedto presschargesagainst the company'sfounder. press your case totryto makepeopleacceptyourdemands: He wasdeterminedto press hiscaseforpromotion. Phrasal verbspress ahead/on press sb about/on sth press sth on sb COMMUNICATIONS(alsothe press)newspapersandmagazines, and thosepartsoftelevisionandradiothatbroadcastnews, or thepeoplewhoworkfornewspapers, etc.: in the pressThe company'sproblemshave beenwidelyreportedin the press. freedom of (the) pressHe was anoutspokenactivistinfavoroffreedomof press andfreedomofspeech. The press waspresentat thebriefinginlargenumbersandaskedsomeawkwardquestions. local/nationalpress pressreports/coverage pressreporters/photographers [SorU]thejudgmentthat is given about someone or something in thenewspapersor onradioortelevision: (a) good/bad pressTheannouncementhas had agenerallygood press. [C]abusinessthatpublishesand sometimesprintsbooks, etc.: Cambridge University Press [C]PRODUCTIONamachinethat is used forprintingbooks, etc.: go to press tostartto beprinted, or toincludesomething in anewspaper, etc.: The lastissueof thejournalwent to press before thenewsbroke. She had gone to press with therumourwithoutcheckinghersourcesfirst. (Definition ofpressfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofpresspress My comments here, however, are very general, and apply to any argument which presses the problem of evil on the basis of empirical evidence.From theCambridge English Corpus However, some issues are pressing and the pilot has had to find the answers itself.From theCambridge English Corpus The participants were asked to indicate if they detected the target by pressing separate buttons on the keyboard (' 1 '=yes, ' 9 '=no).From theCambridge English Corpus In some, the animals' bodies are pressed into clumsy and unnaturalistic positions more suited to a human body.From theCambridge English Corpus The subject had to respond to the square immediately after it appeared on the display by pressing a key on a special keyboard.From theCambridge English Corpus The plasma pressed by the magnetic field to the internal electrode is unstable because of an unfavorable curvature of the magnetic field lines.From theCambridge English Corpus Cats were strongly discouraged from arbitrarily pressing the response pedal.From theCambridge English Corpus Her comrades pressed her to go, but she was already distancing herself from them and decided to stay behind.From theCambridge English Corpus In essence, beginners pressed for being included as the beneficiaries of this technology.From theCambridge English Corpus One is the arrival of keyboard microcomputers, the twentieth-century equivalent of the fifteenth-century printing presses...From theCambridge English Corpus The intestine was then divided into ten equal sections, pressed in a trichine compressorium and cysticercoids counted under the microscope.From theCambridge English Corpus Large groups, perhaps corporate parties, find appropriate places for pressing flesh, or whatever it is that they do.From theCambridge English Corpus Specifically, they pressed for high tariffs on select groups of goods and low or zero tariffs on raw materials, intermediate, and capital goods.From theCambridge English Corpus Based on the epidemiological data of our study, there is a pressing need to implement control measures on this population.From theCambridge English Corpus Trematodes were fixed in glacial acetic acid and pressed between two slides, and preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithpresspressThese are words often used in combination withpress. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. academic press This book is not free of small flaws that the copy-editing services of an academic press would have picked up. From theCambridge English Corpus daily press At roughly the same time, in the late 1960s, an intense debate arose in thedailypresson issues related to immigration. From theCambridge English Corpus drill press The peg assemblage is attached to a 6-axis force sensor which is held by a vertical sliding mechanism functioning as an inserter (drillpress). From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/press## |