someone whosejobis to makeclothessmoothbyironingthem:
衣服熨烫工Heworkedin adrycleanersas a presser.他曾在一家干洗店做熨烫工。
Scorsese'sfather, aclothespresser,diedin 1993.斯科塞斯的父亲是一名熨烫工,1993年去世。
someone who makes something bypressingfruit,flowers, etc., either as ajobor as ahobby:
榨果汁(或油等)的人;压花的人Herstaffsentabatchofolivesto acommercialpresser.她手下的人把一批橄榄送去了一家商业榨油厂。
Myfriendsincludeaflowerpresser and asushichef.我的朋友中有一位压花师和一位寿司厨师。
Preparing food
- batch cooking
- biga
- bind
- butter
- buttered
- can't boil an eggidiom
- clarify
- glaze
- glazed
- grate
- ingredient
- jerk
- re-season
- recipe
- rehydrate
- restuff
- rice
- toss
- whip
- zap
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Squeezing and grinding
ameetingat which apersonor anorganizationmakes apublicstatementandreporterscanaskquestions:
记者招待会I'll beinterestedtohearwhat he has to say in his presser.我很想听听他在新闻发布会上有什么要说的。
The postgame presser wasn't very wellattended.参加赛后新闻发布会的人不是很多。
press conference
News reporting & the press
- ambulance chaser
- breaking news
- bury the ledeidiom
- citizen journalism
- correspondent
- dispatch
- hot off the pressidiom
- investigative journalism
- investigative journalist
- journalism
- journalist
- journalistic
- photojournalism
- photojournalist
- press baron
- press conference
- scoop
- spoiler
- the Associated Press
- the Press Association