uk/ˈʃel.ɪŋ/us/ˈʃel.ɪŋ/shellingnoun[U](WITH EXPLOSIVES)
theactoffiringshells(=containersfullofexplosives)at something:
炮轰,炮击Shelling ofenemylinescontinuedallday.对敌方防线的炮击持续了一整天。
The shelling of somevillageswas socommonplacethatpeoplenolongerlivedthere.一些村庄如此经常地遭受炮击,以至于人们不再住在那里。
- Theygenerallyseemcalmandcomfortable,evenwhen the shellingoutsideisheavy.
- With onlylightshelling in thedistance, themorningandafternoonweredevotedtonegotiationsviaradio.
- Themachinegunfireandmortarshellingbeganimmediately.
Detonation & bombardment
- air raid
- airstrike
- blanket bombing
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- direct hit
- dive-bomb
- drone strike
- firebomb
- firebombing
- go off
- mine
- prime
- saturation bombing
- shoot
- shootsomethingdown
- shooting
- strafe
- strike
- strike homeidiom
shellingnoun[U](REMOVING COVER)
theactofremovingthe hardoutercoveringof something,especiallynuts,eggs, or somevegetables:
剥去…的壳The shelling ofpeanutsandcornwas always done fordaysand usuallylastedlonginto thenights.剥花生和玉米壳的工作总是要做好几天,通常要持续到晚上。
Shellingeggsis not something you canspeedup withyourfoodprocessor.剥鸡蛋壳不是你用食品加工机就能加快的事情。
- Half thefunofeatingthepeanutsis in the shelling.
- While shellingpeasis atedioustask,itsOK if you’ve got someone toworkon thetaskwith you.
- They usedairpressureon the shellinglinetoseparatealmondmeats fromshells.
Removing the skin or seed from fruit & vegetables
- core
- hull
- pare
- peel
- pit
- pitted
- seed
- seeded
- shell
- shuck
- skinless
- spud bashing
- stone
- stoned
- top
- top and tailidiom
- winnow