in the past, alarge,flatobjectmade ofmetalorleatherthatsoldiersheldinfrontoftheirbodiestoprotectthemselves
Andrey_Kuzmin/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
alarge,flatobjectmade ofstrongplasticthatpoliceofficersholdinfrontoftheirbodiestoprotectthemselves:
(警用的)防暴盾牌Thepolicehelduptheirriotshields against theflyingrocksandbricks.警察举着防暴盾牌阻挡飞来的石头和砖块。

Daniel Garzón Herazo/EyeEm/GettyImages
something or someone used asprotectionorprovidingprotection:
保护物,屏障;保护者Theanti-personnelmineswerelaidas aprotectiveshield around thetown.城镇周围布设了杀伤人员地雷作为保护屏障。
Anger canfunctionas a shieldagainst(= a way ofavoiding)evenmorepainfulemotionsoflossandhurt.愤怒可以起到避免更加痛苦的失落感和受伤害情绪的作用。
aflatobjectwith twostraightsides, aroundedorpointedloweredge, and usually astraighttopedge, on which there is acoatofarms
nicoolay/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
anobjectshapedlike a shield that is used as asymbolorbadge:
盾形符号;盾形像章Theblazerhas a shieldsewnon thepocket.上装的口袋上缝着一个盾形徽章。
USWhen heretiredfrom thepolice, he had toturnin his shield.当他从警队退休时,交还了盾形像章。

wwing/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
anobjectshapedlike a shield that is given as aprize:
盾形奖牌Ourschoolwonthecountybasketballshield thisyear.我们学校赢得了今年全郡篮球赛盾形奖牌。

ajaykampani/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- All thepoliceofficerswereequippedwith shields todefendthemselves against the rioters.
- Thefrontrankof theriotsquadraisedtheirshields.
- They had acollectionof shields from manycenturiesago.
- She'swonvarioussportingtrophiesand shields.
- He had hisfamilyshield on thewall.
Hand weapons
- battleaxe
- bayonet
- blowgun
- blowpipe
- bludgeon
- catapult
- goad
- haft
- halberd
- harpoon
- hilt
- jackknife
- rapier
- sabre
- scabbard
- scimitar
- shanghai
- shank
- sheath
- sheath knife
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Protection and protectors
Specific signs and symbols
Prizes, rewards and medals
toprotectsomeone or something:
保护Sheheldherhandabove hereyesto shield themfromthesun.她把手搭在眼睛上方以遮挡太阳。
They areaccusedoftryingto shield theGeneralfromUSfederalinvestigators.他们被指控试图包庇将军,使其逃脱美国联邦调查员的调查。
infootball, tokeepyourbodybetween anopponentand theball, withyourback to the otherplayer, topreventthem from getting theball:
(足球)护球Weteachyoungplayershow tostepinfrontof thedefenderand usetheirbodyto shield theball.我们教年轻队员如何插到对方防守队员前面并用身体护球。
toprotectyourself from adiseasebystayingathomeand having as littlecontactaspossiblewithpeoplefromoutsideyourhome, because you are atriskofbecomingseriouslyillif you get thedisease:
PleasecontactyourGP if youthinkyou should be shielding.
Cancerpatientsneed to shieldfromcoronovirus.
Defending and protecting
- anti-bug
- anti-mosquito
- baby
- bandobast
- bastion
- buffer
- defence
- defend
- harbour
- harm
- have (got)someone'sbackidiom
- hold off
- inoculation
- killsomeonewith kindnessidiom
- sheltered
- splashproof
- takesomeoneunderyourwingidiom
- watch list
- watchyourbackidiom
- wing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Medicines & drugs: preventing infection