uk/ˈʃiːl.dɪŋ/us/ˈʃiːl.dɪŋ/shieldingnoun[U](STAYING AT HOME)
amethodofprotectingyourself from adiseasethatinvolvesstayingathomeand having as littlecontactaspossiblewithpeoplefromoutsideyourhome, because you are atriskofbecomingseriouslyillif you get thedisease:
(以尽量减少接触等方式避免染病)屏蔽If you’reclinicallyextremelyvulnerable, you’restronglyadvisedtostayathomeas much aspossibleandkeepinteractionsoutsideto aminimum. This is called "shielding".如果你在临床上极其脆弱,强烈建议你尽可能呆在家里,尽量减少与外界的交往。这被称为 "屏蔽"。
People who have been given aprognosisof less than 6monthstolivecoulddecidenot toundertakeshielding.被诊断为只能活不到6个月的病人可以决定不采取屏蔽措施。
Medicines & drugs: preventing infection
- anti-AIDS
- anti-bac
- anti-plague
- anti-rabies
- antibacterial
- antimicrobial
- antiseptic
- biosecurity
- boost
- carbolic acid
- cauterization
- containment
- Covid-secure
- rubbing alcohol
- scrub up
- social distancing
- sterility
- surgical spirit
- swab
- unexposed
shieldingnoun[U](PROTECTIVE BARRIER)
sheetsofmetal,plastic, etc. used toprotectworkersor otherpeoplefromharmfulmaterials,diseases,radiation, etc.:
The shieldingprotectedtheastronautfrom thesearingtemperaturesgeneratedby the high-velocitydescent.
Theteamisexaminingnew shieldingmaterialsthatblockmoreradiationthanaluminium.
Protection and protectors
- adopt
- adoptable
- aegis
- anti-shark
- anti-skid
- chaperone
- custodian
- cybersecurity
- defence mechanism
- den mother
- doorkeeper
- muzzle
- precaution
- preservationist
- rewilding
- ring-fence
- safe space
- safeguarding
- safekeeping
shieldingnoun[U](IN FOOTBALL)
thepracticeofkeepingyourbodybetween anopponentand theball, withyourback to the otherplayer, topreventthem from getting theball:
背身护球Shieldingallowsyou tokeeptheballbut alsomoveforward.背身护球可以让你继续持球,但也可以向前带球。
Shielding is usingyourarmsandbodytopreventadefenderfrom taking theball.背身护球是用你的手臂和身体来阻止防守队员拿到球。
- 18-yard box
- 2 3 5
- 4 3 2 1
- 4 4 2
- 4 5 1
- football pools
- footgolfer
- formation
- foul throw
- four five one
- four four two
- premiership
- professional foul
- promedios
- rabona
- reducer
- relegation zone
- sweeper
- treble
- woodwork