theheightof something:
高度Thewaterlevel in thelakeis muchhigherafterheavyrain.暴雨过后这个湖的水位上升了很多。
theamountornumberof something:
数目,数量Inflation is going torisetwopercentfromitspresentlevel.通货膨胀率将比目前上涨2%。
Chessrequiresa veryhighlevel ofconcentration.下棋需要注意力高度集中。
There is somedangeroflowlevel(= acontinuingsmallamountof)radiation.存在低剂量辐射的危险。
- Fishstruggleforsurvivalwhen thewaterleveldropsin thelake.
- ThetopofMountEverest is 8,848 m abovesealevel.
- "Howtallis he next to you?" "Oh, about sobig, " she said,indicatingthe level of herneck.
- Thegrasshasgrownnearlyto the level of thewindows!
- Thebulletenteredthebodyatchestlevel.
Measurements of length & distance
- breadth
- decimetre
- fathom
- ft
- in
- kilometre
- km
- length
- linear
- micron
- mile
- mm
- mpg
- nautical mile
- scalar
- sq.
- square
- thick
- width
- yard
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Measurements in general
General words for size and amount
someone'sabilitycomparedto otherpeople:
Students at this levelrequirea lot ofhelp.处于这种程度的学生需要大量的帮助。
Theexamcan be taken at three levels.这种考试分为3个级别。
- Hereachedareasonablelevel ofcompetencein hisEnglish.
- Gymnastics is asportthatrequiresaconsiderablelevel ofcoordination.
- A teacher's got topitchalessonat therightlevel for thestudents.
- Shereacheda high level on thepiano.
- All thesestudentsarebeginnerlevel.
Quality and standard
- bar
- benchmark
- cachet
- calibre
- conform
- conform to/withsomething
- ideal
- mark
- multi-levelled
- multilevel
- notch
- place
- prestige
- qualitative
- star
- starred
- status
- style
- take first/second placeidiom
- upscale
afloorin alargebuilding:
层,楼层Thelibraryhas three levels, with aconferencecentreatgroundlevel.这个图书馆分三层,在一层有一个会议中心。
Theexhibitionisonlevel three of thebuilding.该展览在大厦的三层。
- Thetoiletsare on the next level.
- Thegaragehas five levels.
- Kitchengoodsare on level three.
- Go down a level tofindtheacademicbooks.
- Heworkson a different level from me.
Parts of buildings: floors & parts of floors
- basement
- catwalk
- ceiling
- dais
- deck
- decking
- ground level
- landing
- loft
- low slung
- mezzanine
- multi-levelled
- multi-storied
- runway
- soapbox
- split-level
- storey
- storeyed
- the ground floor
- the second floor
apositionwithin asystemin whichpeoplearearrangedaccordingtotheirimportance:
层次,级别These aresubjectsfordiscussionatmanagementlevel.这些是管理层需要讨论的问题。
at local/national level
relatingto aparticularareaof thecountry/thewholeof thecountry:
在当地/全国Thesesortsofpoliciesare made atlocallevel.这些政策由当地部门制定。
- On apersonallevel, they came to becordiallydisliked.
- E-commerce ispresentinga lot of newjobsatentrylevel.
- The newlawmetwith a gooddealofoppositionatlocallevel.
- Hereachedministeriallevel in the DiplomaticService.
- Thecentralofficesets/establishestheparameterswhichguidepolicyat thelocallevel.
Organizations - position & status
- ambassador
- anti-elite
- anti-elitist
- apparatchik
- back seat
- brother
- counterpart
- fish
- grassroots
- high-ranking
- honorary
- lapsed
- opposite number
- rank
- reach
- superboard
- superiority
- superordinate
- thane
- warranted
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Towns & regions: parts of countries
US(UKspirit level)
atoolthatcontainsatubeofliquidwith anairbubblein it, used to show if asurfaceis level
Belyaevskiy/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Measuring, weighing, & counting devices
- -scopic
- detector
- dial
- dipstick
- fitness tracker
- gage
- gamma counter
- gamma meter
- gauge
- gradation
- hydrograph
- indicator
- manometer
- micrometer
- probe
- smart meter
- straight edge
- tracker
- voltmeter
- weather balloon
be on the level
findyourown level
on one level...on another level
the next level
uk/ˈlev.əl/us/ˈlev.əl/leveladjective(AT SAME HEIGHT)
[after verb]
at the sameheight:
高度相等的,等高的Thetopof thetreeis levelwithhisbedroomwindow.那棵树的树顶和他卧室的窗户处于同一高度。
- Thewaterwas level with theedgeof thebowl.
- Thetopof thescreenshould be level withyoureyes.
- Thetreesare level with thewindow.
- Themixtureshould be level with thesidesof thedish.
- Theoilshould be level with thismark.
Straight, even and level
- be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flat
- flatness
- glassy
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
平的,水平的Makesurethecamerais level before you take thepicture.拍照前要保证相机处于水平位置。
Before Ibangthenailsin, would you say thispicturewas level?在我把钉子敲进去之前,请帮我看看这幅画挂平了没有?
level spoonful/cupful
anamountof aliquidorsubstancethatfillsaspoon/cupbut does not go above theedges, used as ameasureincooking
(烹饪时用于计量的)一平勺/杯的量- Is thispaintinglevel?
- Hisglasseswere never level.
- Makesurethecakemixtureis level.
- Welookedfor a levelpieceoflandtopitchourtent.
- Thistableisn't level.
Straight, even and level
- be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flat
- flatness
- glassy
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Measurements of volume
having the samevalue,amount,numberofpoints, etc.:
相等的;等量的Pieretti would have towinthe next threestagesinordertodrawlevelwith(=reachthe samepositionas)Le Sage in the Tour de France.佩雷罗必须在此次环法自行车赛后面的3个赛段中取胜才能赶上勒萨热。
mainlyUKTheunionsarefightingtokeepwageslevel (USusuallyeven)withinflation.工会正在争取工资与通货膨胀率保持同步增长。
Peaceful and tranquil
- balm
- beatitude
- consonance
- coolness
- dust
- non-militant
- peaceable
- peaceably
- peacefully
- peacefulness
- quieten
- restfulness
- sequestered
- sleepiness
- sleepy
- soothing
- soothingly
- the calm before the stormidiom
- the dust settlesidiom
- the lull before the stormidiom
[before noun]
If youspeakin a levelvoiceor give someone a levellook, you do it in acalmandcontrolledway:
(说话声或目光)平静的,平稳的In a levelvoice, heorderedthesoldierstoaimandfire.他语调平静地命令士兵们瞄准射击。
Self-control and moderation
- ahold
- anti-pleasure
- ascetically
- asceticism
- be in command (ofyourself)idiom
- boundary
- get a grip (onyourself)idiom
- go easyidiom
- go steady onsomethingidiom
- grip
- mind over matteridiom
- puritanism
- restrained
- restraint
- restrict
- restrictyourselftosomething
- stint
- temperance
- undignified
- willpower
doyourlevel best
level pegging
a level playing field
uk/ˈlev.əl/us/ˈlev.əl/-ll-orUSusually-l-levelverb[T](MAKE FLAT)
to make asurfaceflat:
弄平,使平整Level thewetcementbefore it sets.在水泥凝固前把它抹平。
Straight, even and level
- be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flat
- flatness
- glassy
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Destroying and demolishing
将…夷为平地,彻底摧毁Thebombinglevelled thevillage.那次轰炸已将村庄夷为平地。
Straight, even and level
- be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flat
- flatness
- glassy
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Low, short and shallow
Phrasal verbs
level off
level off/out
level up
level withsomeone