to getknowledgeorskillin a newsubjectoractivity:
学,学习They learnRussianatschool.他们在学校学俄语。
"Can youdrive?" "I'm learning."“你会开车吗?”“我正在学。”
I've learned a lotaboutcomputerssince Istartedworkhere.自从到这里工作后我学到了不少计算机知识。
[+ to infinitive]I'm learningtoplaythepiano.我正在学弹钢琴。
[+ question word+ to infinitive]First you'll learn(how)touse thismachine.首先你要学习(怎样)使用这台机器。
to learn something
- learnI'm learning how to play the piano.
- studyI'm studying Italian right now.
- masterShe lived in Italy for several years but never quite mastered the language.
- pick upWhen you live in a country, you soon pick up the language.
- familiarize yourself withHe prepared for the interview by familiarizing himself with the company's work.
- get the hang of something"I've never used this software before." "Don't worry, you'll soon get the hang of it."
to make yourselfrememberapieceof writing byreadingit orrepeatingit manytimes:
记住,记I don'tknowhowactorsmanageto learn all thoselines.我不知道演员是怎样记住那么多台词的。
We were told to learn Portia'sspeechbyheart(= beableto say it frommemory)forhomework.我们被告知家庭作业是熟练背诵鲍西娅的演说。
tostarttounderstandthat you mustchangethe way youbehave:
开始醒悟,开始明白She'll have to learn that she can't have everything shewants.她必须明白她不可能想要什么就有什么。
Shesoonlearned nottocontradicthim.她很快就明白了不能和他对着干。
He's notafraidto learnfrom hismistakes.他勇于从错误中汲取教训。
to be toldfactsorinformationthat you did notknow:
听说,获悉,被告知We were allshockedto learnofhisdeath.听到他的死讯我们都很震惊。
[+ (that)]Ilaterlearned(that)themessagehad neverarrived.我后来听说从来就没有收到过那条消息。
I only learnedabouttheaccidentlater.那起事故我只是后来才听说的。
- Mydaughteris juststartingto learn how to dojoined-upwriting atschool.
- EveryweekourFrenchteachergives us alistofvocabularyto learn.
- Myyoungestchildis learning torideabike.
- We learned about thegeographyofAustralia.
- You're going to have to learn tocontrolyourtemper.
Learning & knowing
- absorptive capacity
- acquire
- acquisition
- assimilate
- autodidact
- extension
- familiar
- journey
- non-academic
- non-library
- onboard
- onboarding
- outlearn
- shadow
- sit
- uncultivated
- uncultured
- unlearnable
- unteachable
- upskill
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Remembering, reminding and reminders
Understanding and comprehending
learn a/yourlesson
learn to live withsomething