(对知识的)学习Thistechniquemakes learningfun.这种方法使学习变成了乐趣。
Theseonlinelearningenvironmentsare calledvirtualuniversities.
For me it was agreatlearningexperience.
Theroleof anyassessmentwilldependon the learningobjectivesbeingpursued.
knowledgeor apieceofinformationobtainedbystudyorexperience:
Hisfriendspraisedhisgenerosity,wit, and learning.朋友们都很赞赏他的慷慨、智慧和学识。
I am alreadyincorporatingsome of these learnings into myworkand gettingbetterresults.
- I'mafraidanything thatinvolveslanguagelearning has alwaysdefeatedme.
- Somestudentshave a moreanalyticalapproachto learning.
- Theideawithyoungchildrenis tointegratelearning withplay.
- Children areencouragedto take aninvestigativeapproachto learning.
- Ipreferteachingmethodsthatactivelyinvolvestudentsin learning.
- A lot of reallykeylearnings can come out of thesediscussionswith theowners.
Learning & knowing
- absorptive capacity
- acquire
- acquisition
- assimilate
- autodidact
- extension
- familiar
- journey
- non-academic
- non-library
- onboard
- onboarding
- outlearn
- shadow
- sit
- uncultivated
- uncultured
- unlearnable
- unteachable
- upskill