uk/laɪf/us/laɪf/pluralliveslifenoun(TIME ALIVE)
theperiodbetweenbirthanddeath, or theexperienceorstateof beingalive:
寿命;生命;一生,人生;生活;性命Life's tooshorttoworryaboutmoney!人生短暂,何必为金钱而烦恼!
I'm notsureIwanttospendtherestof my life with him.我不能肯定自己是否愿意与他共度余生。
He wentmadtowards the end of his life.他在生命走向终了时疯掉了。
Cats aresupposedto have nine lives.据说猫有九命。
He doesn'tknowwhat he reallywantsin/out of life.他不知道自己在生活中真正想要的是什么。
Theaccidentchangedmywholeoutlookon life.那场事故彻底改变了我对人生的看法。
Helosthis life(=diedsuddenlybecause of aviolenteventoraccident)in theGreatWar.他在一战中丧生。
Asimplemixtureofglucoseandwatercansavelives in manypartsof theworld.在世界上很多地方,把葡萄糖和水混合在一起就可以用来拯救人的性命。
Heranoff with her lifesavings(= all themoneyshe hadsaved).他带着她毕生的积蓄跑掉了。
See also
for life
for thewholeof a person's life:
一生,终生Ibelievemarriageis for life.我相信婚姻是一辈子的事情。
giveyourlife(alsolay downyourlife)
to bewillingtodieinordertodefendorsupportsomeone or something:
献出生命They werereadyto givetheirlivesfortheircountry.他们已做好了为国捐躯的准备。
life after death
If youbelievein life afterdeath, youbelievethatpeoplecontinuetoexistin someformafter theydie.
来世- Sheseemslike a woman who iscontentedwith her life.
- Yourlifechangesdramaticallywhen you have ababy.
- Hertimeatuniversitywas the mosteventfulperiodof her life.
- The newdrugmighthelpsavethe lives ofcancervictims.
- It was onlylaterin life that shefoundhappinessandpeaceofmind.
Life and living
- alive
- animate
- borrow
- cheat
- cheat deathidiom
- co-exist
- cradle
- immortal
- last out
- life cycle
- life expectancy
- life form
- life history
- pelagic
- raise
- raisesomeonefrom the deadidiom
- revenant
- social life
- subsist
- vital
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Continuous & permanent
Death and dying
Religious concepts: life after death
lifenoun(WAY OF LIVING)
a way oflivingor aparticularpartof someone's life:
Weinterviewedseniorpoliticians,famouswriters, andothersinpubliclife.我们采访了资深政界人士、著名作家等公众人物。
Drugs andviolencearedeeplyrootedin American life.毒品和暴力在美国社会生活中已经根深蒂固。
Ilefthomeat 16 toseelife(= have differentexperienceswith a lot ofpeopleinlotsofplaces).我16岁离家出去闯荡世界。
Teaching has been her life(= the mostimportantandenjoyablething in her life).教书已成为了她的生命。
start a new life(alsomake a new life foryourself)
tocompletelychangehow or where youlive:
开始新的生活Shedecidedtostarta new life inAustralia.她决定在澳大利亚开始新的生活。
Life and living
- alive
- animate
- borrow
- cheat
- cheat deathidiom
- co-exist
- cradle
- immortal
- last out
- life cycle
- life expectancy
- life form
- life history
- pelagic
- raise
- raisesomeonefrom the deadidiom
- revenant
- social life
- subsist
- vital
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Starting and beginning
C2[Cusually singular]
theperiodfor which amachineororganizationlasts:
寿命;存在周期;有效期Thenewerbatterieshave a muchlongerlife.新一代电池的寿命要长得多。
Careful use willprolongthe life ofyourmachine.小心使用会延长机器的寿命。
Thelegislationwon't bepassedduring the life of thepresentparliament.该项立法在当前议会的任期内不会获得通过。
Periods of time - general words
- age
- at/in one sittingidiom
- chapter
- day
- digital age
- duration
- leeway
- length
- life cycle
- lifetime
- making
- me time
- period
- session
- sleep
- spasm
- tide
- time lag
- time span
- timescale
lifenoun(BEING ALIVE)
thequalitythat makespeople,animals, andplantsdifferent fromobjects,substances, and things that aredead:
生命力,生气Thedoctorcouldfindnosignoflife in theoldman'sbody.医生发现老人已经没有了生命迹象。
figurativeIlookedthrough thewindowbut I couldn'tseeanysignsoflife(=peoplemoving).我透过窗子向外望去,却看不到有任何人类活动的迹象。
Life and living
- alive
- animate
- borrow
- cheat
- cheat deathidiom
- co-exist
- cradle
- immortal
- last out
- life cycle
- life expectancy
- life form
- life history
- pelagic
- raise
- raisesomeonefrom the deadidiom
- revenant
- social life
- subsist
- vital
thequalityof having a lot ofenergy,interest, orexcitement:
She's sofulloflife.她充满了活力。
Los Angeles was agreatplacetolive, reallyfullof life.
Thebrightcoloursbringmore life to thepainting.
- activityThere were several police vans and a lot of activity in the area.
- hubbubI couldn't find her with all the hubbub going on.
- bustleI miss the bustle of the big city.
- hustle and bustleShe got used to the hustle and bustle of daily life.
- flurry of activityWhat was the reason behind this sudden flurry of activity?
- burst of activityIt's usually quiet in the shop, but occasionally we have a sudden burst of activity.
bringsomethingto life
to make something morerealorexciting:
赋予…生命,使…鲜活起来It's always been aninterestingperiodinhistoryand thisfilmreallybroughtit to life.这段历史总是令人饶有兴味,这部电影对此进行了真实的再现。
come to life
使更加实在;使更有生机Thegamereally came to life in the secondhalf.比赛下半场有了生机。
Excitement, interest, energy and enthusiasm
- alacrity
- animation
- ardour
- avidity
- boosterism
- commotion
- fever pitch
- flirtation
- frenzy
- friskiness
- frisson
- frolic
- hubbub
- pep
- perkiness
- physicality
- piquancy
- pizzazz
- zeal
- zealousness
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Making people excited and interested
everything that isalive:
Life and living
- alive
- animate
- borrow
- cheat
- cheat deathidiom
- co-exist
- cradle
- immortal
- last out
- life cycle
- life expectancy
- life form
- life history
- pelagic
- raise
- raisesomeonefrom the deadidiom
- revenant
- social life
- subsist
- vital
lifenoun(IN ART)
Inart, if youworkfrom life, youpaint,draw, etc.realpeopleorobjects, usually while they are infrontof youratherthan frommemory:
Art history & artistic movements
- abstract
- aesthetic
- anti-modern
- anti-modernism
- anti-modernist
- cubist
- expressionism
- expressionist
- expressionistic
- expressionistically
- modernism
- modernist
- montage
- naturalism
- naturalistic
- regency
- rococo
- romantic
- romanticism
- screen printing
lifenoun(IN GAMES)
especiallyin children'sgames, one of thelimitednumberoftimesthat you canlose, but stillcontinueplaying:
(尤指儿童游戏中的)一次机会;命Everytimethe little man getshit, youlosea life.小人儿每被击中一次,你就丢了一条命。
Children's games
- dress-up box
- dressing-up box
- follow-my-leader
- French cricket
- go fish
- Hacky Sack
- hide-and-seek
- hopscotch
- jack
- leapfrog
- musical chairs
- painting
- painting by numbersidiom
- peekaboo
- piggy in the middle
- piggyback
- Pokémon
- tag
- trick-or-treating
- warm
the lifestoryof apersonwritten by someoneelse:
Whatmovedhim to write a life ofJohnO'Hara?
Books: kinds of books
- abridgment
- annual
- anthology
- audiobook
- backlist
- crammer
- dime novel
- e-reader
- exercise book
- fiction
- flipback
- novelette
- novella
- page-turner
- paperback
- photo album
- speller
- travelogue
- ya
- young adult
be (all) part of life's rich tapestry/pageant
be one/another of life's great mysteries
for the life ofyou
get a life!
giveyourlife tosomething
how's life (treating you)?
lead/live the life of Riley
the life and soul of the party
the man/woman insomeone'slife
not on your life!
scare/frighten the life out ofsomeone
the school/university of life
takeyour(own) life
takeyourlife inyourhands
that's life!
this is the life!
to the life