adjective[before noun]
(alsopreexperiment)uk/ˌpriː.ɪkˈsper.ɪ.mənt/us/ˌpriː.ɪkˈsper.ə.mənt//ˌpriː.ɪkˈspir.ə.mənt/happeningorexistingbefore thestartof anexperiment(= atestdone tolearnordiscoversomething):
Two pre-experimenttasksweresentto allparticipants.
- Theheightsand biomasses of pre-experimentplantsshowedlinearrelationships.
- In the pre-experimentsurvey, weselectedfivefamouspeopleandaskedparticipantstoevaluatetheirfamiliarityon a nine-pointscale.
- Pre-experimentsoilsamplesdid notdiffermuch fromfall2011 samplings.
Testing, checking and experimenting
- artefact
- assay
- calibrate
- calibration
- check out
- crucible
- experimenter
- factorial
- feeler
- inoculate
- inoculation
- inspect
- recheck
- reinspect
- reinspection
- resample
- rescreen
- road test
- screening
- welfare check
uk/ˌpriː.ɪkˈsper.ɪ.mənt/us/ˌpriː.ɪkˈsper.ə.mənt//ˌpriː.ɪkˈspir.ə.mənt/asmallorsimpleexperiment(= atestdone tolearnordiscoversomething)that is done before anotherexperiment,especiallyinordertopreparefor it:
A pre-experiment had beenconductedtoestablishtheoptimaldose.
- The pre-experimentindicatedthat thismethodwassuitablefortrappinghighamountsofammoniain ashorttimeframe.
- These werechosenbasedon theresultsof a pre-experiment with sixsilicadoses.
- A pre-experiment wasperformedtotesttheuptakecapacityof thefilters.
Testing, checking and experimenting
- artefact
- assay
- calibrate
- calibration
- check out
- crucible
- experimenter
- factorial
- feeler
- inoculate
- inoculation
- inspect
- recheck
- reinspect
- reinspection
- resample
- rescreen
- road test
- screening
- welfare check