uk/kəmˈpliː.tɪst/us/kəmˈpliː.t̬ɪst/apersonwho isextremelyinterestedin aparticularsubjectand whowantstocollectorexperienceas many things aspossibleconnectedwith it, so that his or hercollectionorexperienceiscomplete:
(致力于将某类别所有东西都收集完整的)完整主义者,求全主义者You don'tnecessarilyneed these newreleasesunlessyou are a completist who has to have everything Hendrixeverproduced.你不一定需要这些新唱片,除非你是一个求全主义者,一定要收集亨德里克斯所有的作品。
- Boxsets are made for the completist, not thecritic.
- Unless you are a completist when it comes to theworksof J. R. R. Tolkien, you don't need "The Children of Hurin".
- Thefilmlikelywillappealto thetypeof completist whocovetsalternativetakesofpreviouslyreleasedsongsorcollectionsofobscureB-sides.
- I'm amaniccompletist, so withauthorsI like Ireadeverything they've written.
- -aholic
- -oholic
- -phile
- aficionado
- anglophile
- anorak
- armchair
- audiophile
- faddist
- fan favourite
- fanatic
- fanboy
- fandom
- numismatist
- otaku
- people watcher
- philatelist
- watcher
- Whovian
- zealot
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Collecting and amassing
uk/kəmˈpliː.tɪst/us/kəmˈpliː.t̬ɪst/wantingtocollectorexperienceas many things aspossibleconnectedwith aparticularsubjectorinterest, so thatyourcollectionorexperienceiscomplete:
(致力于将某类别所有东西都收集完整的)完整主义的,求全主义的Not manypeopleare as completist abouttheirhobbyas he is.对于自己的爱好,没有太多人会像他一样求全。
He issubjectto a completisturge,believingthat if youaccumulateenoughbitsofinformationthey will allconnect.他有一种求全主义的冲动,认为如果积累足够多的信息片段,这些片段就会自然连接起来。
- Hetriesto make his 'zinelookasdenseand completist aspossible.
- Thebandmakesureeach show isunique, which hastriggeredcompletisttendenciesintheirfans.
- As with any "completist"markets(thosedrivenby a collector'sdesiretofillgaps),pricesaredeterminedbyrarityandcondition.
- -aholic
- -oholic
- -phile
- aficionado
- anglophile
- anorak
- armchair
- audiophile
- faddist
- fan favourite
- fanatic
- fanboy
- fandom
- numismatist
- otaku
- people watcher
- philatelist
- watcher
- Whovian
- zealot
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Collecting and amassing