uk/ˈsaɪn.pəʊst/us/ˈsaɪn.poʊst/signpostnoun[C](ROAD SIGN)
apoleat thesideof aroad,especiallyat apointwhere two or moreroadsmeet, that givesinformationaboutroutesanddistances:
路标The signpost said "London 18miles".路标上写着“伦敦18英里”。

Jutta Jenderny/EyeEm/GettyImages
Roads: lights, signs & markings on roads
- amber
- anti-billboard
- Belisha beacon
- billboard
- bollard
- bus lane
- crossing
- lamppost
- milestone
- P, p
- pedestrian crossing
- pelican crossing
- pylon
- reflector
- robot
- stop sign
- stoplight
- street furniture
- streetlight
- thoroughfare
signpostnoun[C](SHOW FUTURE)
something thatshowswhat is going tohappen, or what shouldhappen, in thefuture:
征兆,预兆Thisupturnin the country'seconomyis asplendidsignposttothefuture.该国经济的好转预示着光明的前景。
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- flaunt
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- wear
- whiff
uk/ˈsaɪn.pəʊst/us/ˈsaɪn.poʊst/signpostverb(ROAD SIGN)
[Tusually passive]
to show thedirectionof something on a signpost:
以路标指明方向Theroadwasn't very well signposted(=providedwith signposts).这条路上的路标设置不够完善。
Wefoundwhere we were going veryeasily, because it was signposted(= thedirectionwasshownby signposts)all the way.我们很容易地找到了自己要去的地方,因为一路上都有路标。
Roads: lights, signs & markings on roads
- amber
- anti-billboard
- Belisha beacon
- billboard
- bollard
- bus lane
- crossing
- lamppost
- milestone
- P, p
- pedestrian crossing
- pelican crossing
- pylon
- reflector
- robot
- stop sign
- stoplight
- street furniture
- streetlight
- thoroughfare
signpostverb(SHOW FUTURE)
to showclearlyhow something is going todevelop:
预示The earlychaptersof thebooksignpost what is going tohappenfurtheron.这本书的头几章预示了稍后将要发生的事情。
Predicting things and intuition
- augur
- augury
- bellwether
- betcha
- bode
- far-sighted
- inkling
- instinct
- intuit
- intuition
- intuitive
- presage
- prescience
- prescient
- prophecy
- prophesy
- psychic
- second-guess
- the writing is on the wallidiom
- visionary