aperiodwithout anysound;completequiet:
宁静;寂静Aloudcrashofthunderbrokethe silence of thenight.一声炸雷打破了夜晚的宁静。
Silencereigned(= there wascompletesilence)in thechurch.教堂里一片寂静。
- Theconductorwaitedfordeadsilence beforecommencingtheperformance.
- After he hadspoken, adeathlysilence/hushfellon theroom.
- In the silence of thenight, alonewolfhowled.
- Ascreechofbrakesjarredthe silence.
- The silence wasbrokenonly by thewhisperof theleavesin thegentlebreeze.
Silence & quiet
- cricketsidiom
- deafening
- deafeningly
- hush
- inaudibly
- keep it downidiom
- keepsomethingdown
- muffled
- muted
- quiet
- quieten
- silent
- silently
- soundlessly
- subdued
- trail
- trail away/off
- underyourbreathidiom
- unmute
- you could have heard a pin dropidiom
silencenoun(NO SPEAKING)
astateof notspeakingor writing or making anoise:
无声;沉默;缄默Thesoldierslistenedinsilence astheircaptaingave theorders.指挥官下达命令时,士兵们静静地听着。
"Silence!(= Stoptalking!)"shoutedtheteacher.“安静!”老师喊道。
Myrequestforhelpwasmetwithsilence(= Ireceivednoanswer).
Their mother'sangrywordsreducedthechildrentosilence.母亲生气的训斥让孩子们都默不作声了。
aperiodoftimein which there iscompletequietor nospeaking:
astateofrefusingtotalkabout something oranswerquestions, or astateof notcommunicating:
拒绝谈论(某事);拒绝回答问题;不进行交流Myrequestforhelpwasmetwithsilence(= Ireceivednoanswer).我的求助没有得到答复。
Her silenceabout/onwhat hadhappenedto hersurprisedeveryone.她对自己的遭遇保持沉默,这令每个人都感到吃惊。
I don'texpecttohearfrom her now, after threeyears' silence(= threeyearsin which she has notspokenor written to me).3年杳无音讯后,我如今不再指望能有她的消息。
- Cistercianmonksandnunstake avowof silence.
- He hasmaintainedadignifiedsilence about therumours.
- Ajuryshould notinterpretthe silence of adefendantas asignofguilt.
- No one couldthinkof anything more to say, and themeetinglapsedinto silence.
- Welistenedin silence as thenamesof thedeadwerereadout.
Falling silent and not speaking
- be (on) non-speakersidiom
- bite
- bitesomethingback
- biteyourtongueidiom
- button your lipidiom
- clam
- clam up
- draw
- have nothing to say foryourselfidiom
- mouth
- silence is goldenidiom
- speak
- speechless
- speechlessly
- speechlessness
- stick
- stick insomeone'sthroatidiom
- tongue-tied
- unavowed
- wordless
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Silence & quiet
silence is golden
uk/ˈsaɪ.ləns/us/ˈsaɪ.ləns/to make someone or something bequiet:
使安静;使沉默Theteacherraisedhisvoiceto silence theclass(= to make themstoptalking).老师提高嗓门让学生们安静下来。
Herremarkabout hisappearancecompletelysilenced him(= made himunabletoanswer).她对他外貌的评价使他哑口无言。
figurativeThe enemy'sgunswere silenced(= made tostopfiring)in asurpriseattack.突袭让敌人的枪炮停止射击。
topreventsomeone fromexpressingtheirviewsor fromcriticizingoropposingsomeone:
阻止(某人)表达意见;压制批评Bigcompaniesfilelawsuitsto silencetheircritics.大公司通过诉讼来压制批评的声音。
The more theytryto silence us, the more we willspeakout.他们越是想让我们沉默,我们就越会公开表达意见。
Al Capone silenced hisopponentsbykillingthem.阿尔‧卡彭杀死了对手,让他们永远地闭嘴。
Falling silent and not speaking
- be (on) non-speakersidiom
- bite
- bitesomethingback
- biteyourtongueidiom
- button your lipidiom
- clam
- clam up
- draw
- have nothing to say foryourselfidiom
- mouth
- silence is goldenidiom
- speak
- speechless
- speechlessly
- speechlessness
- stick
- stick insomeone'sthroatidiom
- tongue-tied
- unavowed
- wordless
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Preventing and impeding