apieceofequipmentthatrecordssomeone'screditcardorbankaccountdetailsso thattheirbankaccountcan be usedillegally:
侧录器They used acardskimmer at acashmachinetocloneaccountdetails.他们把磁卡侧录器装在取款机上复制账户信息。
A skimmer is a pager-sizedevicethatreadsandstorestheinformationfrom themagneticstripon acreditcard.侧录器是个寻呼机大小的装置,可以读取并贮存信用卡的磁条信息。
apieceofequipmentorvehicleforremovingoilfrom thesurfaceofwater:
收油器;收油船Oilskimmersendeduppickingupchunksofbrokenice,cloggingthe skimmers andhamperingtheirabilitytocollectoil.收油船捡到了大块的碎冰,堵塞了收油机,妨碍了它们收集石油的能力。
Smallfishingvesselshavemovedportableskimmers intoplaceon Unalaska Island'swildnorthwestcoast.小型渔船将便携式收油机搬到了乌纳拉斯卡岛荒凉的西北海岸。
adeviceforremovingsomething from thesurfaceof aliquid:
(用于撇取浮物的)撇除器Fat fromstock,soupsorsaucescan beremovedusing a skimmer.高汤、汤或酱汁中的脂肪可以用撇除器去除。
Everydaythey use apoolskimmer to getridofleavesfrom thewater.每天他们都会用泳池撇除器来去除水中的树叶。
Fraud & corruption
- anti-bribery
- anti-corruption
- anti-counterfeiting
- anti-fraud
- Augean
- bribe
- defraud
- dolus
- embezzle
- embezzlement
- extortion
- imposture
- launder
- malfeasance
- malpractice
- match-fixing
- nobble
- pyramid scheme
- siphon
- vishing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Straining & filtering devices
剪嘴鸥Swansdestroyedthenestinggroundsof theternsand skimmers.天鹅破坏了燕鸥和剪嘴鸥的筑巢地。
TheIndianskimmerlooksabitlike atern.白领剪嘴鸥看起来有点像燕鸥。
Birds found by or on the sea
- albatross
- booby
- cormorant
- curlew
- fulmar
- gannet
- guillemot
- gull
- kittiwake
- oystercatcher
- penguin
- petrel
- plover
- puffin
- seagull
- shag
- skua
- tern
someone whoreadssomethingquicklyinordertounderstandthemainpoints, withoutstudyingit indetail:
略读者,浏览者Peopletendto be skimmers during theweek,readingmore indepthin theweekend人们在工作日倾向于大致浏览,而在周末进行深度阅读。
Theimagealonewould make anymagazineskimmer take a secondglance.仅凭这张图片就能让任何翻阅杂志的人多看两眼。
- cross-refer
- deconstruct
- deconstruction
- dip intosomething
- dyslexic
- flick throughsomething
- leaf
- misread
- narrate
- nose
- pore oversomething
- putsomething/someonedown
- readsomeone'slipsidiom
- readsomethingout
- readsomethingover/through
- reader
- reading knowledge
- riffle
- scan
- semiotics
skimmernoun[C](FLAT SHOE)
atypeofflatshoe,similarto aballetdancer'sshoe,wornby women:
芭蕾式平底鞋Skimmers are bothgracefulandcomfortable.芭蕾式平底鞋既优雅又舒服。
Withtheirbarelythereheels, these skimmers are veryelegant.这些芭蕾式平底鞋几乎没有鞋跟,非常优雅。

- ankle boot
- ballet shoe
- Birkenstock
- bootie
- bootlace
- high heels
- high-top
- hiking boot
- hobnail boot
- insole
- running shoe
- sandal
- shoehorn
- shoelace
- shoemaker
- wedgie
- wellie
- wellington
- welly
- whitening
skimmernoun[C](FLAT STONE)
aflatstonethat can be made totouchandriseoff thesurfaceofwaterseveraltimeswhen it isthrown:
打水漂石Thestoneson thebeacharegreatskimmers.海滩上的石头是很好的打水漂石。
Geology: types of rock
- arenaceous
- arenite
- asthenosphere
- asthenospheric
- basaltic
- borax
- chalk
- emery
- feldspar
- flint
- lahar
- limestone
- magma
- marcasite
- marl
- marmoreal
- metamorphic
- pumice
- pumice stone
- soapstone