uk/ˈleɪb.kuː.kən/us/ˈleɪb.kuː.kən/plurallebkuchenatypeofbiscuit, usuallycontainingspicesandnuts,traditionallyeatenin Germany:
(德国)姜饼Theytastelike theGermanlebkuchen that mymotherused to make atChristmas.它们的味道就像我母亲以前在圣诞节的时候做的德国姜饼。
I like these lebkuchen fortheirlackofsweetnessand thefactthat theycontainallspice.我喜欢这些德国姜饼,因为它们没有甜味,而且有多香果在里面。

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- Germans havetheirlebkuchen andgingerbreadhouses.
- Afterrollingout thedough,cutthe lebkuchen intoshapessuch asheartsorteddybears.
- A fewyearsago I hadtrieda different lebkuchenrecipe.
- amaretto
- animal cracker
- Anzac biscuit
- baked goods
- bannock
- cracknel
- cream cracker
- crispbread
- crumb
- custard cream
- ladyfinger
- macaroon
- millionaire's shortbread
- misshape
- oatcake
- shortbread
- shortcake
- snickerdoodle
- sponge finger
- sports bar