the firstsentenceorparagraphof anewsarticlethat gives themainpointorpointsof thestory:
The ledereads: “More than four out of every fiveprofessorsusesocialmedia."
Thenewspaperput thenominalfigureratherthan the inflation-adjustedfigureinitsheadlineanditslede.
- The lede on thecolumncontainedakeyfactualerror.
- Theproblemwith the word “unprecedented” in the lede is that thecampaignis new in Boston, but notelsewhere.
- The lede of the New York Timesstorysimplycannot bereconciledwith what thecompanyis saying.
Newspapers & magazines: headlines & features
- advertorial
- advice column
- advice columnist
- agony column
- agony uncle
- comic strip
- cover story
- dateline
- double-page
- double-page spread
- editorial
- leader
- obituary
- op-ed
- personal column
- press cutting
- problem page
- pullout
- splash
- spread
bury the lede