one of thepartsof thebodyof ahumanoranimalthat is used forstandingorwalking:
腿,腿部My legs weretiredafter so muchwalking.走了这么远的路,我的腿有些累了。
Hebrokehis legskiing.他滑雪时摔断了腿。
Thehorsebrokeitsfrontleg in thefall.这匹马摔断了前腿。

Michael Htten/EyeEm/GettyImages
thepartof apieceofclothingthat you putyourleg in:
裤腿Herolledup histrouserlegs andwadedinto thewater.他卷起裤腿趟进水里。
one of thethinverticalpartsthatsupportanobject:
- Robsoninjuredhis leg in the secondhalfof thematchand had to becarriedoff.
- His leg wasbrokenin twoplaces.
- Shelikestowearshortskirtsto show off her legs.
- I've beensittingwith my legscrossedfor solong, myrightleg has gonenumb.
- Thedoctorsaid I was tokeepmy legelevated.
The leg
- Achilles tendon
- appendicular
- bipedal
- crural
- cruris
- gastrocnemius
- hamstring
- leggy
- limb
- peroneal
- peroneus
- pes anserinus
- piriformis
- popliteal
- shank
- subtalar
- surae
- sural
- talocalcaneal
- talofibular
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The legs & feet of non-human animals
Parts of clothes
Physical supports and supporting
Furniture & fittings - general words
aparticularstageof ajourney,competition, oractivity:
段,阶段He hasticketsfor thefirstlegofthe NCAA Men's Hockey Championship.他有国家大学体育总会男子冰球锦标赛第一轮比赛的门票。
ThelastlegoftheracewasParisto London.最后一段赛程是从巴黎到伦敦。
Stages & phases
- beta
- early-stage
- early-term
- in phase/out of phaseidiom
- interstage
- landmark
- multi-phase
- multi-step
- multiphasic
- partway
- period
- phase
- point
- shovel-ready
- stage
- step
- stepping stone
- tertiary
- the home straight
- twilight
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Parts & stages of competitions
getyourleg over
givesomeonea leg up
have a leg up onsomeone
have legs
leg before wicket
not have a leg to stand on
UKinformaluk/leɡ/us/leɡ/leg it
torunaway inordertoescapefrom something:
跑开,躲开They legged it round thecornerwhen theysawthepolicecoming.他们一看见警察来了,就拐过街角跑了。
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- buzz
- careen
- career
- gallop
- gun
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scramble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Running away and escaping