轻轻地;稍稍地Shepattedhim lightly on theshoulder.她轻轻地拍了拍他的肩膀。
Iffoodis lightlycooked, it iscookedfor only ashorttime:
- Dust thefacelightly withpowder.
- I likeeggslightlycookedso that theyolkis stillrunny.
- Hetouchedme lightly on thecheek.
- Dab thepainton lightly.
- Sheappliedthemake-uplightly.
Self-control and moderation
- ahold
- anti-pleasure
- ascetically
- asceticism
- be in command (ofyourself)idiom
- boundary
- get a grip (onyourself)idiom
- go easyidiom
- go steady onsomethingidiom
- grip
- mind over matteridiom
- puritanism
- restrained
- restraint
- restrict
- restrictyourselftosomething
- stint
- temperance
- undignified
- willpower
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Preparing food using heat
lightlyadverb(NOT SERIOUSLY)
If you say something lightly, you are notseriouswhen you say it:
轻松地,随便地;不严肃地"Anyway, it won'taffectme because I'mleaving," she said lightly.“不管怎么说,这对我都没什么影响,因为我就要走了,”她很轻松地说。
not dosomethinglightly
If something is not said ortreatedlightly, it is said ortreatedin aseriousway, aftergreatthought:
不可草率对待,不能忽视Accusations like these from atopministerare notmadelightly.高级部长提出这样的指控不可等闲视之。
Humour & humorous
- amusingly
- barrel
- blackly
- bone dryidiom
- bring
- broadness
- facetious
- hilarious
- jocular
- joker
- jokester
- non-serious
- photobomb
- photobombing
- playfully
- playfulness
- rib-tickling
- ridiculous
- scream
- uproarious
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Lacking humour
lightlyadverb(NOT SEVERELY)
get off lightly; letsomeoneoff lightly
to bepunishedor topunishsomeone lessseverelythan might have beenexpected:
得到从轻判罚;对(某人)从轻判罚Ithinkhe got offquitelightlyconsideringit's his thirddrivingoffence.这已经是他第3次违法驾驶了,我觉得对他罚得太轻了。
Not punishing & reducing punishment
- absolve
- amnesty
- clemency
- commutation
- diplomatic immunity
- discharge
- diversion
- get away with murderidiom
- get off
- get off lightlyphrase
- hook
- impunity
- let
- letsomeoneoff
- off the hookidiom
- reprieve
- royal pardon
- scot-free
- spare
- unpunished