US(alsopre-k)uk/ˈpriːˌkeɪ/us/ˈpriːˌkeɪ/aschoolorclassforchildrenwho areyoungerthan fiveyearsold. Pre-K isshortfor pre-kindergarten:
I didn't go to pre-K orkindergarten, but I still did well inschool.
Theyinsisttheiroffspringattendonly thebestpre-Ks.
Qualifications for pre-Kteachersvaryfrom onestateto another.
Not all pre-kprogramsare inpublicschools.
- There isdifficultyinprovidingpre-k in somecounties.
- Theevidencehasconvincedmanyskepticallawmakersthatmoneyfor pre-K is asmartinvestment.
- Thestatewillratethe pre-Ksbasedon howtheirstudentsdid onreadinesstestswhen theyenteredkindergarten.
- As in many pre-Kclasses, sheteachesletters,numbers, and writingmixedwithpreschoolfun.
- childcare
- crèche
- day care
- day nursery
- kindergarten
- nursery
- nursery school
- playgroup
- playschool
- preschool
- preschooler