adjective[before noun]
coming before a moreimportantactionorevent,especiallyintroducingorpreparingfor it:
初步的,起始的;预备的Preliminaryresultsshow that thevaccineiseffective, but this has to beconfirmedbyfurthermedicaltrials.初查结果表明疫苗是有效的,但这有待于进一步医学实验的证实。
- The preliminaryresultsare verypositive.
- Our preliminaryfindingssuggestanincreasedriskfor thoseagedover 60.
- Jackson isperformingwell in the preliminarystagesof thecompetition.
- The twoofficialswill bemeetingtoday inordertoestablisha preliminaryagreement.
- I'd like to make a few preliminaryremarksbefore webeginthediscussion.
Preceding and introducing
- announce
- antedate
- beat
- build(someone/something)up
- countdown
- curtain-raiser
- emcee
- forerunner
- introduce
- introduction
- introductory
- lead
- lead up tosomething
- lead-in
- predecessor
- preface
- prelude
- reintroduce
- review
- runsomethingup
noun[Cusually plural]
uk/prɪˈlɪm.ɪ.nər.i/us/prɪˈlɪm.ə.ner.i/aneventoractionthatintroducesorpreparesfor somethingelse:
开端活动,初步行动After a fewpolitepreliminaries(=introductions), westatedourmainideasandintentions.几句开场白后,我们陈述了我方的主要观点和意图。
TheFrenchteamfinishedfirst in thecompetitionpreliminaries(= the firstpartof thecompetition).法国队在预赛中名列第一。
Preceding and introducing
- announce
- antedate
- beat
- build(someone/something)up
- countdown
- curtain-raiser
- emcee
- forerunner
- introduce
- introduction
- introductory
- lead
- lead up tosomething
- lead-in
- predecessor
- preface
- prelude
- reintroduce
- review
- runsomethingup