languagespecializeduk/ˈlɪb.fɪks/us/ˈlɪb.fɪks/anaffix(= aletterorgroupoflettersaddedto thebeginningor end of a word to make a new word)that comes frompartof another word and has moremeaningthan some othertypesofaffixes:
Anexampleof a libfix is -cation(fromvacation) in words likestaycationand daycation.
ThelinguistArnold Zwickycoinedthetermlibfix.
- -aholic is anexampleof what Arnold Zwickytermsa libfix.
- Some libfixes havebecomeveryproductive, forexample-gate(from Watergate), nowattachedtoalmostanythingscandalous.
Linguistics: morphology & parts of words
- -athon
- -ative
- -ville
- agglutinate
- agglutinative
- analytic
- combining form
- contraction
- derivative
- ion
- ism
- monomorphemic
- morphological
- morphology
- multisyllabic
- suffix
- there's
- trigraph
- trisyllabic
- trisyllable