uk/ˈlek.vɑːr/us/ˈlek.vɑːr/asoft,sweetfood,originallyfrom Hungary, made bycookingfruitwithwaterandsugar,especiallydriedplumsorapricots:
Thepastriesarefilledwithfruitpreserves(lekvar), or withhoneyandblackpoppyseedpaste.
Place aspoonfulof the lekvarjamonto eachflattenedpieceofdough, thenpinchthedoughup tocoverit.
- Therecipesincludestuffedcabbage,potatopancakes, and lekvarcookies.
- Sprinkle thepastrieswithicingsugar, andfillwithjamor lekvar.
Jams & spreads
- apple butter
- confiture
- filling
- gianduja
- golden syrup
- honey
- jelly
- lemon butter
- lemon curd
- manuka
- marmalade
- Marmite
- nut butter
- paste
- PB&J
- peanut butter
- preserve
- quince paste
- spread
- Vegemite