uk/ˈsæf.laʊər/us/ˈsæf.laʊ.ɚ/aplantwithleavesthat havesharppoints, andseedsthat are used for making anoilused incooking:
红花(一种植物,其叶有尖角,种子用于制造一种食用油)Saffloweroilislowin thesortoffatsthat areconsideredto bebadfor people'shealth.那些被认为对健康有害的脂肪在红花油中的含量很低。

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Crop plants & economic plants
- beet
- black mustard
- brassica
- canola
- cash crop
- coffee
- field corn
- flax
- flaxseed
- hemp
- multi-line
- oilseed rape
- rabi
- rape
- rapeseed
- sisal
- sugar cane
- sweetcorn
- wheatgrass
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