uk/kənˌsep.siˈəʊn/us/kənˌsep.siˈoʊn/alargecityin thecentralpartof Chile:
TheillustrationshowstheruinedCathedral of Concepción in analmosttranquilstateofdesolation.
The Concepciónteamalsoidentifiedseveral weaknesses in how the 2002fisherieslawoperatedinpractice.
Trigo is aprofessorof Human Geography at the University of Concepción (Chile).
- Wearrivedin Concepción thefollowingmorning.
- Helivesin asmalltown20milesfrom Concepción.
- The Concepciónearthquakewasindeedfollowedby aburstofgeologicalspeculationon Darwin’spart.
- Thegovernmentcommissionedthedirectorsof Santiago's Escuela de Artes y Oficios toestablishmachineshopsin Concepción.
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