for the sake ofsomeone/forsomeone'ssake
inordertohelporbringadvantageto someone:
为了(某人)的利益;为了帮助(某人)Please do it, for David's sake.为了戴维,请做这件事。
Theirparentsonlystayedtogether for the sake of thechildren.他们的父母仅仅是为了孩子才没有分开。
Ihopefor bothoursakesthat you'reright!为你我着想,我希望你是对的!
- I'mtryingtokeeplifenormalfor the sake of my twoboys.
- They were veryunhappilymarriedbutkeptupappearancesfor the sake oftheirchildren.
- Ihopeforyoursake that she'shappywith thearrangements.
- Ihopehe's there for Paul's sake.
- IknewI had tostaycalmfor Maria's sake.
Helping and co-operating
- a good/bad turnidiom
- abet
- accommodative
- aid
- any port in a stormidiom
- assist
- assistance
- bridge
- carry
- facilitation
- givesomeonea leg upidiom
- give/lendsomeonea helping handidiom
- go a long way toward(s) doingsomethingidiom
- platform
- run errandsidiom
- share a platformidiom
- solid
- start(something)off
- succour
- supportively
for the sake ofsomething/forsomething'ssake
because of, or for thepurposeof something:
因为;为了Let's notdisagreefor the sake of(= because of)a fewdollars.咱们不要因为几块钱闹别扭。
Let's say, just for the sake ofargument/for argument's sake(= for thepurposeof thisdiscussion), thatpricesriseby threepercentthisyear.为了便于讨论,我们假设今年的价格上涨3%。
You're onlyarguingfor the sake ofarguing(= because you likearguing).你只是为争论而争论。
Linguistics: connecting words which introduce a cause or reason
- as
- at
- because
- because of
- case
- courtesy
- cuz
- dint
- except
- except thatidiom
- from
- herein
- inasmuch as
- insofar as
- order
- owing to
- since
- through
- virtue
- with
for goodness', God's, Pete's, heaven's, etc. sake
used toemphasizerequestsororderswhen you areangryor havelostpatience:
做做好事吧,看在上帝份上,看在老天份上Forgoodness' sake don'tletherknowI told you!行行好,千万别让她知道是我告诉你的!
Linguistics: intensifying expressions
- all the wayidiom
- annoy, frighten, scare, etc. the hell out ofsomeoneidiom
- anything
- as... as anythingidiom
- at leastidiom
- bare
- blank
- dear
- end of storyidiom
- load
- long
- more thanidiom
- on steroidsidiom
- pestilential
- price
- pure
- Sam Hill
- the shit out ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- to say the leastidiom
- ton