uk/səˈlɑːm/us/səˈlɑːm/(especiallyinMuslimcountries) togreetsomeone bybendinglowfrom thewaistwith thefrontof therighthandagainst thetopof theface
- caliphate
- fatwa
- hadj
- hajj
- halal
- headscarf
- jihad
- jihadi
- Mecca
- minaret
- prayer mat
- purdah
- Ramadan
- sehri
- sharia
- Sunni
- the Koran
- the Qur'an
- veil
- yashmak
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physical gestures of respect
uk/səˈlɑːm/us/səˈlɑːm/(especiallyinMuslimcountries) a way ofgreetingsomeone bybendinglowfrom thewaistwith thefrontof therighthandagainst thetopof theface:
There were no salaams, notevenahandshakeas heintroducedus.
Heshookhandswith several of theboysandexchangedfarewellsalaams withothers. Images Plus/GettyImages
When youmeethim, give my salaams to him.
Pleaseconveyoursalaams to allourfriends.
- "He will notreturnmy salaam," he said.
- The manconveyedhis salaam to the girl'sparents.
- Theysendyoutheirsalaam.
Welcoming, greeting & greetings
- adieu
- afternoon
- air kiss
- aloha
- ayup
- buh-bye
- five
- good evening
- greet
- hello strangeridiom
- howdy
- mind
- namaskar
- pleased
- poke
- pumpsomeone'shandidiom
- receive
- see/catch you later!idiom
- shalom
- wish
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physical gestures of respect
uk/səˈlɑːm/us/səˈlɑːm/acommongreetingin manyMuslimcountries:
Iwalkedover to them and said, "Hi. Salaam alaikum."
"Salaam," thesingersaid ingreeting.
Welcoming, greeting & greetings
- adieu
- afternoon
- air kiss
- aloha
- ayup
- buh-bye
- five
- good evening
- greet
- hello strangeridiom
- howdy
- mind
- namaskar
- pleased
- poke
- pumpsomeone'shandidiom
- receive
- see/catch you later!idiom
- shalom
- wish