anovalfruitthat has athick,yellowskinandsourjuice, or thesmalltreeon which thisfruitgrows:
For thisrecipeyou need thejuiceof two lemons.按照这份食谱,你需要两个柠檬的果汁。
Would you likeasliceoflemon inyourtea?你的茶里要放一片柠檬吗?
a lemongrove(=groupof lemontrees)

thejuiceof a lemon or adrinkmade from thisjuice
柠檬汁;柠檬饮料- Is there any of that lemoncakeleft?
- Amargaritais made withtequila, anorangeliqueurandlimeor lemonjuice.
- Thedessertwasdecoratedwithstripsof lemonpeel.
- Puristseatsmokedsalmonwith nothing more than lemon andblackpepper.
- Justroastthechickenin theovenandbasteit inoiland lemon.
- There was a lemontreein thecentreof thecourtyard.
Types of fruit
- ackee
- alligator pear
- amla
- angelica
- açaí
- cooker
- cooking apple
- copra
- crab apple
- cranberry
- kumquat
- lingonberry
- litchi
- loganberry
- longan
- pomelo
- prickly pear
- prune
- pumpkin
- quince
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Soft drinks
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Less common colours
- amethyst
- apple green
- argent
- ashy
- avocado
- bisque
- blue-black
- claret
- coppery
- dun
- earth tone
- emerald
- puce
- rust
- saffron
- sapphire
- sepia
- sky blue
- tangerine
- taupe
something that does notwork:
有毛病的东西;不成功的东西Only one of hisinventionsturnedout to be a lemon.在他的几项发明中只有一项没有获得成功。
someone or something that is not successful
- failureThe shuttle launch was a complete failure.
- successThe operation was a success.
- turkeyI really wanted to like it, but that show ended up being a real turkey.
- clunkerUSThat pitch was a real clunker.
- bombUSHis website was one of the biggest dotcom bombs in the history of the internet.
- dudMy charger doesn't work - I think I've got a dud.
a verysillyperson:
傻瓜Ifeltsuch a lemon when IdiscoveredI'dmissedmyappointment.我发现错过了约会时间,觉得自己真是太傻了。
- another/the final nail in the coffinidiom
- bloodbath
- brain freeze
- breakdown
- busted flush
- car crash
- flop
- foul(something)up
- freefall
- game overidiom
- hash
- lost cause
- mess
- nail
- parody
- reversal
- slim pickings
- slush pile
- track record
- train wreck
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Stupid and silly people
uk/ˈlem.ən/us/ˈlem.ən/of apaleyellowcolour
柠檬色的Less common colours
- amethyst
- apple green
- argent
- ashy
- avocado
- bisque
- blue-black
- claret
- coppery
- dun
- earth tone
- emerald
- puce
- rust
- saffron
- sapphire
- sepia
- sky blue
- tangerine
- taupe