观念上的;构思的;概念上的Themainweaknessof theproposalis conceptual.这项提议的主要不足是在构想方面。
abstract ideas
- abstractHappiness, faith, and confidence are abstract qualities.
- conceptualThe introduction lays out a conceptual framework for the book.
- notionalThere is a notional improvement in air quality that cannot be demonstrated.
- theoreticalVitamin supplements can give a theoretical boost to health.
Logic and reason
- a fortiori
- a posteriori
- a priori
- analytic
- antinomy
- incoherently
- inductive
- inductively
- intellectual
- intellectualism
- non-theoretical
- non-verbal
- nonscientific
- paradox
- paradoxical
- teleology
- theoretical
- theoretically
- theory
- thinking