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单词 like


toenjoyorapproveof something or someone
I likeyournewhaircut.我喜欢你的新发型。
Do you likefish?你爱吃鱼吗?
I like it when abookis so good that you can't put it down.我喜欢那种碰上好书时手不释卷的感觉。
Iquitelikewinebut I couldlivewithout it.我很喜欢喝酒,但没有酒我还是可以忍受的。
He's verywell-liked(=popular)atwork.他在单位里人缘相当好。
I likethe wayhe justassumeswe'lllistento him when he doesn't take in a word anyoneelsesays!(= I don't like it and itannoysme.)他谁的话都听不进去,却以为我们大家都会听他的,对此我非常反感。
[+ -ing verb]I don't like upsettingpeople.我不喜欢搞得别人心烦意乱。
[+ to infinitive]He likestospendhiseveningsinfrontof thetelevision.他喜欢晚上看电视消磨时间。
[+ past participle]He likes hissteakwell-done.他喜欢吃熟透的牛排。
to show that youthinksomething is good on asocialnetworkingwebsitebyclickingon asymbolor the word 'like'
Like us onFacebook!到脸书上为我们点赞吧!
More than 200peopleliked mypost.超过200人为我的文章点赞了。
More examples
  • "Did you like thefilm?" "Ithoughtit wasbrilliant."
  • I'm one of the fewpeoplewho doesn'tactuallylikechampagne.
  • He used to likespendingFridaynightswith theboys.
  • It's just as well you're not here - you wouldn't like thenoise.
  • I likefilmswith a lot ofaction.


would like(orformalshould like...)
used to saypolitelythat youwantsomething
IthinkI'd like thesoupfor mystarter.我想要一份汤做头盘。
I'd liketogo to Moscow.我想去莫斯科。
I would liketosay abigthankyou to everyone who'shelpedto makeourweddingsuch aspecialoccasion!我想对参与筹备我们婚礼的每一个人表示由衷的感谢,正是你们让这个婚礼如此与众不同!
More examples
  • I'llsingthe verses and I'd like you all tojoinin thechorus.
  • I'd like ablackcoffee,please.
  • Inconclusion, I would like tothankourguestspeaker.
  • I'verunout ofmilk- would you like somecreamerinstead?
  • Would you like anaisleseator would youpreferto be by thewindow?
used inrequests
I'd like one of the roundloaves,please.请给我拿一块圆面包。
[+ to infinitive]I'd liketobookaseatfor tonight'sperformance.我想预订一个今晚演出的座位。
[+ obj + to infinitive]I'd like youtosendthis for me,please.请你帮我把这个寄出。
[+ past participle]I would like thewholelotfinishedby theweekend.我希望这批活儿能在周末前做完。


We can use hate, like, love and prefer with an -ing form or with a to-infinitive:
Like has a number of meanings and uses.
Likeas a verb meaning ‘enjoy’
We use like to talk about things or people which we enjoy or feel positive about:
Would likein offers and requests
We use would like or ’d like to offer something to someone in a polite way or to ask them to do something politely (requests), or politely to say what we want. We use the to-infinitive form of verbs that follow:
Likeas a preposition meaning ‘similar to’
Like means ‘similar to’. We often use it with verbs of the senses such as look, sound, feel, taste, seem:
Likeas a conjunction
In informal contexts, we can use like as a conjunction instead of as. Traditional grammar books consider this use of like incorrect:
Likeas a suffix
We can use like as a suffix at the end of a noun to mean ‘similar to’:
Likein spoken English
In informal speaking, you will hear like used very commonly. It has a number of functions. It is important not to use these forms in formal writing such as academic essays.
Be likeorwhat is … like?
We can use be like to ask for a description of someone or something (e.g. their appearance, their character, their behaviour):
Be likeorlook like?
We use be like to talk about someone’s character or personality. We use look like to talk about someone’s appearance:


how do you like...?
how wouldyoulike...?
I'd like to see...
if you like
like it or lump it
what's not to like?
would you like...?

likepreposition,conjunction(SIMILAR TO)

similarto; in the same way ormanneras
Helookslike hisbrother.他长得像他哥哥。
She's very much like hermother(= she issimilarinappearanceorcharacter).她和她母亲非常像。
I've got asweaterjustlike that.我有一件和那件一模一样的毛衣。
Herhairwas sosoftit was likesilk.她的头发如丝绸般柔顺。
You'reactinglike acompleteidiot!你的举动像个十足的白痴!
Shesingslike anangel!她的歌声如天使一般!
Like I said(= as I have already said), I don'twearperfume.我说过了,我不用香水。
Like mostpeople(= as mostpeoplewould), I'dpreferto have enoughmoneynot towork.和大多数人一样,我喜欢能有足够的钱而不必去工作。
Itfeels/seemslike(= itseemsto me)agessince we lastspoke.我们好像很久没有说过话了。
There'snothinglike a goodcupofcoffee(= it'sbetterthan anything)!任何东西都比不了一杯好咖啡!
More examples
  • Theyoungestboysare socloseinagetheylookliketwins.
  • Sam's beenprowlingabout like acagedanimalallmorning.
  • Theblackbird, like mostbirds,breedsin thespring.
  • She'sbehavinglike aspoiltbrat.
  • "What was theweatherlike?" "Itrainedallweek."

likepreposition,conjunction(AS IF)

in a way thatsuggests
Itlookslike I'm going to be in theofficeuntil latetonight.看起来我得到深夜才能离开办公室了。
Itlookslikerain(= Ithinkit is going torain).我看天要下雨了。
Itsoundsto me like you ought tochangejobs.听起来你似乎应该换个工作。
Youlooklike you've just got out ofbed!你看起来好像刚刚起床!
not standardSheactslike she'sstupid!她似乎总干傻事!
More examples
  • Itseemslike they've gotlost.
  • Itlookslike we'll be late.
  • Helookslike he neverwashes.
  • Itseemslike she's alwaysangry.
  • Itlookslike he'llpasstheexamafter all.


As and like are prepositions or conjunctions. The prepositions as and like have different meanings. As + noun means ‘in the role of’, like + noun means ‘similar to’ or ‘in the same way as’.
Like has a number of meanings and uses.
Likeas a verb meaning ‘enjoy’
We use like to talk about things or people which we enjoy or feel positive about:
Would likein offers and requests
We use would like or ’d like to offer something to someone in a polite way or to ask them to do something politely (requests), or politely to say what we want. We use the to-infinitive form of verbs that follow:
Likeas a preposition meaning ‘similar to’
Like means ‘similar to’. We often use it with verbs of the senses such as look, sound, feel, taste, seem:
Likeas a conjunction
In informal contexts, we can use like as a conjunction instead of as. Traditional grammar books consider this use of like incorrect:
Likeas a suffix
We can use like as a suffix at the end of a noun to mean ‘similar to’:
Likein spoken English
In informal speaking, you will hear like used very commonly. It has a number of functions. It is important not to use these forms in formal writing such as academic essays.
Be likeorwhat is … like?
We can use be like to ask for a description of someone or something (e.g. their appearance, their character, their behaviour):
Be likeorlook like?
We use be like to talk about someone’s character or personality. We use look like to talk about someone’s appearance:


like two peas in a pod
what are you like?
what issb/sthlike?

likepreposition(TYPICAL OF)

That's just like Maisie toturnuphalfanhourlate to her ownparty!梅茜就是这样的人,为她办聚会时她都要拖后半小时才露面!
It's not like you to be soquiet- are you allright, mylove?你平时没这么安静呀——亲爱的,你没事吧?
More examples
  • It's not like you tobehavelike this, Alice - I'msurprisedat you !
  • I'mworriedaboutyoursister- it isn't like her to be so late.
  • "They hadevenarrangedacartocollectus from theairport." "Isn't that just like them? They're sothoughtful!"
  • "Theboyshadeatenall thefoodbefore wearrived." "Thatsoundsjust like them - whatpigs!"
  • It wouldn't be like Mum to go out without herhandbag.

likepreposition(SUCH AS)

such as
Shelooksbestinbright,vibrantcolours, likeredandpink.她穿鲜亮颜色的衣服最漂亮,如红色和粉色。
More examples
  • Expenses likeofficephonebillsaretaxdeductible.
  • Ipreferhardcheeses, like Cheddar.
  • We were always told thatcholesterol, infoodslikeeggs, was amajorcauseofheartdisease.
  • It can sometimes bedifficultto give averbaldescriptionof things likecoloursandsounds.
  • It'sunusualto haveadultconversationlike that with such ayoungchild.


Like has a number of meanings and uses.
Likeas a verb meaning ‘enjoy’
We use like to talk about things or people which we enjoy or feel positive about:
Would likein offers and requests
We use would like or ’d like to offer something to someone in a polite way or to ask them to do something politely (requests), or politely to say what we want. We use the to-infinitive form of verbs that follow:
Likeas a preposition meaning ‘similar to’
Like means ‘similar to’. We often use it with verbs of the senses such as look, sound, feel, taste, seem:
Likeas a conjunction
In informal contexts, we can use like as a conjunction instead of as. Traditional grammar books consider this use of like incorrect:
Likeas a suffix
We can use like as a suffix at the end of a noun to mean ‘similar to’:
Likein spoken English
In informal speaking, you will hear like used very commonly. It has a number of functions. It is important not to use these forms in formal writing such as academic essays.
Be likeorwhat is … like?
We can use be like to ask for a description of someone or something (e.g. their appearance, their character, their behaviour):
Be likeorlook like?
We use be like to talk about someone’s character or personality. We use look like to talk about someone’s appearance:


used before youdescribehow you werefeelingor what you said when somethinghappenedto you
Then Isawhow late it was and I'm like, soupset.然后我才明白已经很晚了,因此感觉特别沮丧。
Hestartedshoutingat me and I'm like, "What'syourproblem? I'm onyourside!"他开始朝我大喊大叫起来,于是我就问他:“你怎么回事?我是站在你这边的!”


used inconversationas apauseor toemphasizeanadjective
He's, like, reallyfriendly- someone you cantalkto.他呀,真的非常友善——就是那种可以倾心交谈的人。
If there's nothing you can do tochangethesituation, it's like - whybother?如果你无法改变这种局面,那么干吗去劳这个神呢?


Like has a number of meanings and uses.
Likeas a verb meaning ‘enjoy’
We use like to talk about things or people which we enjoy or feel positive about:
Would likein offers and requests
We use would like or ’d like to offer something to someone in a polite way or to ask them to do something politely (requests), or politely to say what we want. We use the to-infinitive form of verbs that follow:
Likeas a preposition meaning ‘similar to’
Like means ‘similar to’. We often use it with verbs of the senses such as look, sound, feel, taste, seem:
Likeas a conjunction
In informal contexts, we can use like as a conjunction instead of as. Traditional grammar books consider this use of like incorrect:
Likeas a suffix
We can use like as a suffix at the end of a noun to mean ‘similar to’:
Likein spoken English
In informal speaking, you will hear like used very commonly. It has a number of functions. It is important not to use these forms in formal writing such as academic essays.
Be likeorwhat is … like?
We can use be like to ask for a description of someone or something (e.g. their appearance, their character, their behaviour):
Be likeorlook like?
We use be like to talk about someone’s character or personality. We use look like to talk about someone’s appearance:
the like ofsb/sth;sb's/sth'slike
(alsothe likes ofsb/sth)
aperson, thing, orgroupsimilarincharacterorqualityto the onementioned
Boxing hasn'tseenthe likes of Muhammad Ali since heretired.穆罕默德·阿里退役后,拳击运动就再也没有他那样的选手了。
He was a verygreatactor- we won'tseehis like again.他是个非常了不起的演员——没有人能达到他那样的水平。
Hedescribedasuperlativemeal, the like of which he'd nevereatenbefore.他说那顿饭特别美味,他从未吃过如此好吃的饭。
They'recompetingwith the likes of Microsoft.他们在跟微软这样的公司竞争。
and such likeinformal(alsoand the like)
There's abigsportshallfortennisandbadmintonand such like.那里有一个可供网球、羽毛球等比赛用的大型体育馆。
the things that someoneenjoys
Thestarlistshis likes as "my new Porsche, mygirlfriend, andstayingup allnight."这个流行歌星说他的最爱是“我的保时捷新车、女友和彻夜狂欢”。
They can'texpectme toaccommodatealltheirsillylittle likesanddislikes.他们别指望我能容忍他们所有那些愚蠢可笑、无足轻重的个人好恶。
not for the likes ofsbinformal(alsolike)
not for thetypeofpeoplementioned
First-classtravelis forrichpeople- it's not for the likes of us.头等舱是供上层人士使用的——不是给我们这样的人准备的。
(on apageon asocialnetworkingwebsite) anactofshowingthat youthinksomething is good byclickingabutton
My newprofilepicturegot 100 likes.我的新头像图片得到了100个赞。
be like to dosthold use
to belikelyto do something


Like has a number of meanings and uses.
Likeas a verb meaning ‘enjoy’
We use like to talk about things or people which we enjoy or feel positive about:
Would likein offers and requests
We use would like or ’d like to offer something to someone in a polite way or to ask them to do something politely (requests), or politely to say what we want. We use the to-infinitive form of verbs that follow:
Likeas a preposition meaning ‘similar to’
Like means ‘similar to’. We often use it with verbs of the senses such as look, sound, feel, taste, seem:
Likeas a conjunction
In informal contexts, we can use like as a conjunction instead of as. Traditional grammar books consider this use of like incorrect:
Likeas a suffix
We can use like as a suffix at the end of a noun to mean ‘similar to’:
Likein spoken English
In informal speaking, you will hear like used very commonly. It has a number of functions. It is important not to use these forms in formal writing such as academic essays.
Be likeorwhat is … like?
We can use be like to ask for a description of someone or something (e.g. their appearance, their character, their behaviour):
Be likeorlook like?
We use be like to talk about someone’s character or personality. We use look like to talk about someone’s appearance:


be of like mind
like the thingmentioned
Thepapercriticizedwhat itdescribedas the animal-likebehaviourof thefans.该报批评了球迷们的表现,称之为野蛮行径。
There was alarge, ball-likestructureontopof thebuilding.大楼的顶部有一个球型构造物。
a cabbage-likevegetable一种像卷心菜一样的蔬菜


Like has a number of meanings and uses.
Likeas a verb meaning ‘enjoy’
We use like to talk about things or people which we enjoy or feel positive about:
Would likein offers and requests
We use would like or ’d like to offer something to someone in a polite way or to ask them to do something politely (requests), or politely to say what we want. We use the to-infinitive form of verbs that follow:
Likeas a preposition meaning ‘similar to’
Like means ‘similar to’. We often use it with verbs of the senses such as look, sound, feel, taste, seem:
Likeas a conjunction
In informal contexts, we can use like as a conjunction instead of as. Traditional grammar books consider this use of like incorrect:
Likeas a suffix
We can use like as a suffix at the end of a noun to mean ‘similar to’:
Likein spoken English
In informal speaking, you will hear like used very commonly. It has a number of functions. It is important not to use these forms in formal writing such as academic essays.
Be likeorwhat is … like?
We can use be like to ask for a description of someone or something (e.g. their appearance, their character, their behaviour):
Be likeorlook like?
We use be like to talk about someone’s character or personality. We use look like to talk about someone’s appearance:


If that, or somethinglikethat, is not the suggestion, then what is the point of the comment?
From theCambridge English Corpus
It does not have to belikethis.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A first theme,likea gust of wind, uses the colours of the chords.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Likedomestic policy, trade policy is subject to the influence of domestic veto players.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The "successful" governess, it seems, manages her pupils into "successful" betrothals - justlikethe marriage plot novel.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In a nonlinear environment, it would be enough to have locally increasing returnslikesetup costs.
From theCambridge English Corpus
To probe this issue further, workers were requested to list the things they liked about their companies and things they did notlike.
From theCambridge English Corpus
At the same time, they centre on organizations that,likeparties, are in direct competition with each other.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Likethe radius function, it is piecewise sinusoidal.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Not only primates and cetaceans, but also other long-lived mammals,likeelephants, have females playing active (crucial) post-reproductive roles.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Some demonstrated the use of technical language, for example 'it did sound verylikea scale'.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Such children, we are told, looklikeanimals and show no trace of intelligence.
From theCambridge English Corpus
I wouldliketo know why they took place.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The back of the menu,likethe club name, inverted another old female stereotype, this time women's supposed cattiness among themselves.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Symbolic appeals,likethe applications of rules, ought to be sensitive to special circumstances.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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