(alsolock step)uk/ˈlɒk.step/us/ˈlɑːk.step/in lockstep
(especiallyof agroupofsoldiers)marchingveryclosetogether, with eachpersonmovingthe samelegat the sametimeand in the same way as thepersoninfront:
(尤指一队士兵的)紧密步伐(指前后紧接、步伐完全一致的行进方式)Hundreds ofguerrillasmarchingin lockstepformedaguardofhonourfor thefreedrebels.数百名游击队员组成仪仗队,以紧密步伐向获得自由的起义人员致敬。
Then came therhythmicsoundofbootsstompingin lockstepacrossamarsh.接着传来了靴子踏着紧密步伐有节奏地走过沼泽地的声音。
incompleteagreementwith someone or something:
完全同意;完全一致Usually Republicans are in lockstepwiththeirparty'scandidate, with 85% or 90%support.共和党人通常都与本党候选人步调一致,党内支持率达到85%或90%。
They are notpreparedtomarchin lockstep with thecampaign.他们不准备和竞选活动共进退。
He said that he and therestof theboardwere in lockstep behindtheirleader.他说他和董事会的其他成员都一致支持他们的领导。
Accepting & agreeing
- acceptance
- accepting
- accommodation
- accreditation
- agree tosomething
- agree withsomething
- approved
- concur
- murmur
- reconcile
- rise
- root
- rule
- sanction
- self-acceptance
- self-acknowledged
- self-admitted
- settle onsomething
- signer
- unanimous
uk/ˈlɒk.step/us/ˈlɑːk.step/showingcompleteagreementwith someone or something and doingexactlywhat someonewantsyou to do:
完全同意的,言听计从的This is not a lockstepDemocratwe'retalkingabout.我们在说的这个民主党人不是一个唯唯诺诺的人。
He wasunabletoendurethe lockstep,buttoned-downculture.他无法忍受这种唯唯诺诺、守旧乏味的文化。
Accepting & agreeing
- acceptance
- accepting
- accommodation
- accreditation
- agree tosomething
- agree withsomething
- approved
- concur
- murmur
- reconcile
- rise
- root
- rule
- sanction
- self-acceptance
- self-acknowledged
- self-admitted
- settle onsomething
- signer
- unanimous