theconditionoflivingwithoutunnecessarythings and withoutcomfort, withlimitedmoneyorgoods, or apractice,habit, orexperiencethat istypicalof this:
简朴(的生活);艰苦(的生活)Thewartimeausterity of my earlyyearspreparedme forlaterhardships.早年战火纷飞年代里的艰苦经历使我能够忍受日后的艰难困苦。
The austerities oflifein asmallruralcommunitywere not what I was used to.穷乡僻壤的清苦生活可不是我所习惯的。
adifficulteconomicsituationcausedby agovernmentreducingtheamountofmoneyitspends:
(国家开支上的)紧缩,缩减Peopleprotestedin thestreetsagainst austerity.人们上街抗议紧缩措施。
Thegovernmenttodayannouncednew austeritymeasures.政府今天宣布了新的紧缩措施。
thequalityof beingaustereinappearanceormanner:
(外表、衣着的)朴素,朴实the austerity of hershorthairandplaingreysuit她朴素的短发和简单的灰色衣裳
Plain and ordinary
- as it comesidiom
- austere
- austerely
- average Joe
- be a dime a dozenidiom
- homeliness
- homely
- homespun
- homey
- humble
- run-of-the-mill
- severe
- severely
- simple
- something/nothing to shout aboutidiom
- unoriginal
- unostentatiously
- unremarkable
- well trodden
- workaday