living wall
uk/ˈlɪv.ɪŋ ˌwɔːl/us/ˈlɪv.ɪŋ ˌwɑːl/(alsogreen wall,vertical garden)awallcoveredwithplantsthat aregrowingincontainersor onspecialmaterialattachedto thewall, often used when there is not muchspacetogrowthings on theground:
(栽种植物的)生命墙,活墙Alivingwallcan be aplacetoexperiment, just like in agarden.生命墙可以像花园一样,成为一个做尝试的地方。
Water isfedfrom thetopof alivingwall,emulatingthenaturalworld.水是从生命墙顶部注入,模仿自然界。

Lisa Stokes/Moment/GettyImages
- Alivingwallis averticalrowofplantsthatfiltersairandwater.
- Thecampusnowboastsagreenhouse,solarpanelsthatpower20classrooms,energy-efficientlightbulbsand alivingwall.
- Hesuggestslivingwallsof ocotillos,bougainvilleaandoleanders.
Parts of gardens
- arbour
- bed
- border
- bower
- flower bed
- green wall
- hedging
- herbaceous border
- kitchen garden
- lawn
- parterre
- patio
- perennial border
- raised bed
- rock garden
- rockery
- seedbed
- shrubbery
- terrace
- vertical garden