load noun (AMOUNT CARRIED )
B2 [C ] theamountofweightcarried,especiallyby avehicle, astructuresuch as abridge, or ananimal:
(尤指车辆、桥梁、动物等的)负重,负荷,载重 Themaximumload for thiselevatoris eightpersons. 这部电梯的最大载客量为8人。
Onetruckinvolvedin theaccidentwascarrying aheavyloadof coal. 事故中的一辆卡车上装了大量煤炭。
Synonyms cargo
delivery (OF PACKAGE ETC.)
a load informal (also loads )
I've got a loadof workto get through beforetomorrow. 明天之前我要完成很多工作。
There were a loadof peoplethere. 那里有许多人。
Have some morefood- there's loads. 再吃点吧——有很多呢。
Shelooksloadsbetterwith her newhaircut. 她做了新发型后好看多了。
[C ] physics specialized theamountofelectricalpowerthat issupplied
Theoldman wascarryinga load ofsticks. Thesafeload for atruckof thissizeworksout atnearly20tons. Theropegave under theweightof the load. Anarticulatedlorryhasoverturnedon the south-boundcarriageway,sheddingitsload. Helabouredup thehillwith hisheavyload. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral words for size and amount
-sized amount bulk content element extent footprint good things come in small packages idiom level lot measure much number order percent quota ration small-scale so much idiom strength See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Large in number or quantity
Electricity & electronics
load noun (AMOUNT TO DO )
[C ] theamountofworkto be done by aperson:
工作量,工作任务 If wesharetheorganizationof theparty, that willhelpspreadthe load. 如果我们都分担一些聚会的组织工作,那么就不至于忙不过来了。
I've got aheavy/light teachingload thisterm. 这学期我的教学任务很重/轻。
[S ] apainful,difficult, ortiring situationtodealwith:
压力,负担 IwishI could do something tolighten yourload(= makeyoursituationeasier) . 我真希望能做点什么帮你减轻一些负担。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWork, working and the workplace
act assomething all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy) idiom assignment bandh be at work idiom grind hoop hot-desking hotelling housekeeping in the line of duty idiom induction industry moonlight skivvy slave slog slouch spadework undertaking See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences
Idioms get a load of that!
a load of crap, nonsense, rubbish, etc.
load verb (PUT INTO/ONTO )
B2 [I orT ] to put a lot of things into avehicleormachine:
装,装载 Howlongwill it take to load thissandonto thelorry? 把这些沙子装上卡车需要多长时间?
Let's loadup thecarand then we can go. 把东西都装上车吧,这样我们就可以走了。
to load thedishwasher/washingmachine 把洗碗机/洗衣机装满
be loaded down withsomething
to have too much tocarry, or too muchworkto do:
承受太多的(重量或工作),负担的(重量或工作)太多 I was loaded down withshopping. 我带着重重的一堆买来的东西。
be loaded withsomething
tocontaina lot of something:
含有大量的…,富含 Mostfastfoodsare loaded withfat. 快餐食品大多都富含脂肪。
They loaded thelorrywithpotatoes. It'syourturnto load thedishwasher. They loaded theboxesonto theship. We will need a fork-lifttruckto load thesecrates. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWrapping, packing and loading
blister pack bottle Bubble Wrap bundle bundle (someone ) up freighter package packaged packaging packer packet packing parcel parcelsomething up polystyrene sheathe shrink-wrap tinned traffic light vacuum-packed See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Too much and unnecessary
load verb (FILL WITH FOOD )
[T ] tofillorcoversomething with a lot offood:
Guests loadedup theirplatesat therestaurantbuffet.
On thedayof thepartythetablewas loadedwith food.
abuttermilkbiscuitloadedwith bacon,eggandcheese
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFilling and completing
backfill box ticking brick brick upsomething brim fill jam overcrowd overrun pack packsomething/somewhere out permeate pervade round stuffing suffuse supersaturated takesomething up tank tank up See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Covering and adding layers
load verb (CAMERA/GUN )
[T ] to putfilmin acameraorbulletsin agun:
装上(胶卷);上(子弹) Do not load thefilm(= put it into thecamera) inbrightlight. 不要在光线亮的地方装胶卷。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFilling and completing
backfill box ticking brick brick upsomething brim fill jam overcrowd overrun pack packsomething/somewhere out permeate pervade round stuffing suffuse supersaturated takesomething up tank tank up See more results »
load verb (COMPUTER )
B2 [I orT ] to putinformationor aprogramonto acomputer:
把信息输入计算机;把程序载入计算机 You need to load thisprogramontoyourcomputer. 你需要把这个程序载入你的计算机。
Thesoftwareiseasyto load. 这个软件很容易载入。
[I orT ] If awebpageor anapplication loads or is loaded, itappearson ascreen:
Mybrowserwouldn't load thepage.
Some of theappson mysmartTV arequiteslowto load.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOperating computers
admin aliasing always-on backsomeone up black hat computerate computerize crack drill down escape keyboarder maximize miswrite mouse oversomething munging navigational scroll telecottage ticket uninstall See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Computer programming & software
Computer concepts
Internet terminology
all thepeopleorgoodsin thestatedtypeofvehicleorcontainer:
(指车辆或容器的装载量)满…的,一…的 a coachload offootballfans 一车足球迷
Busloadsof touristspourinto thisplacein thesummer. 夏天一辆辆满载游客的大客车涌到这里。
Truckloads offoodandmedicalsuppliesarrivedin therefugeecamp. 一车车食品和药品被送到了难民营。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMeasurements of volume: informal
-ful armload basin basketful bucketful eyeful fistful forkful glassful handful jugful pocketful pot roomful scoop spoon tablespoonful tankful tbsp. truckload See more results »
(Definition ofload from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
load noun (AMOUNT CARRIED )
B2 [C ] theamountofweightcarried,especiallyby avehicle, astructuresuch as abridge, or ananimal
(尤指车辆、桥梁、动物等的)负重,负荷,载重 Themaximumload for thiselevatoris eight persons. 这部电梯的最大载客量为8人。
Onetruckinvolvedin theaccidentwascarrying aheavyloadof coal. 事故中的一辆卡车上装了大量煤炭。
a load informal (also loads )
许多,大量 I've got a loadof workto get through beforetomorrow. 明天之前我要完成很多工作。
There were a loadof peoplethere. 那里有许多人。
Have some morefood- there's loads. 再吃点吧——有很多呢。
Shelooksloadsbetterwith her newhaircut. 她做了新发型后好看多了。
[C ] physics specialized theamountofelectricalpowerthat issupplied
Theoldman wascarryinga load ofsticks. Thesafeload for atruckof thissizeworksout atnearly20tons. Theropegave under theweightof the load. Anarticulatedlorryhasoverturnedon the south-boundcarriageway,sheddingitsload. Helabouredup thehillwith hisheavyload.
load noun (AMOUNT TO DO )
[C ] theamountofworkto be done by aperson
工作量,工作任务 If wesharetheorganizationof theparty, that willhelpspreadthe load. 如果我们都分担一些聚会的组织工作,那么就不至于忙不过来了。
I've got aheavy/light teachingload thisterm. 这学期我的教学任务很重/轻。
[S ] apainful,difficult, ortiring situationtodealwith
压力,负担 IwishI could do something tolighten yourload(= makeyoursituationeasier) . 我真希望能做点什么帮你减轻一些负担。
Idioms get a load of that!
a load of crap, nonsense, rubbish, etc.
load verb (CARRY )
B2 [I orT ] to put a lot of things into avehicleormachine
装,装载 Howlongwill it take to load thissandonto thelorry? 把这些沙子装上卡车需要多长时间?
Let's loadup thecarand then we can go. 把东西都装上车吧,这样我们就可以走了。
to load thedishwasher/washingmachine 把洗碗机/洗衣机装满
be loaded down withsth
to have too much tocarry, or too muchworkto do
承受太多的(重量或工作),负担的(重量或工作)太多 I was loaded down withshopping. 我带着重重的一堆买来的东西。
be loaded withsth
tocontaina lot of something
含有大量的…,富含 Mostfastfoodsare loaded withfat. 快餐食品大多都富含脂肪。
Could youemptythewashingmachine,please? They loaded thelorrywithpotatoes. It'syourturnto load thedishwasher. They loaded theboxesonto theship. We will need a fork-lifttruckto load thesecrates.
load verb (PUT INTO )
[T ] to putfilmin acameraorbulletsin agun
装上(胶卷);上(子弹) Do not load thefilm(= put it into thecamera) inbrightlight. 不要在光线亮的地方装胶卷。
load verb (COMPUTER )
B2 [I orT ] to putinformationor aprogramonto acomputer
把信息输入计算机;把程序载入计算机 You need to load thisprogramontoyourcomputer. 你需要把这个程序载入你的计算机。
Thesoftwareiseasyto load. 这个软件很容易载入。
all thepeopleorgoodsin thestatedtypeofvehicleorcontainer
(指车辆或容器的装载量)满…的,一…的 a coachload offootballfans 一车足球迷
Busloadsof touristspourinto thisplacein thesummer. 夏天一辆辆满载游客的大客车涌到这里。
Truckloads offoodandmedicalsuppliesarrivedin therefugeecamp. 一车车食品和药品被送到了难民营。
load | American Dictionary
load noun [C] (WEIGHT CARRIED )
theamountorweightof somethingcarriedby avehicle, astructuresuch as abridge, or apersonoranimal:
Thetruckhad a load ofbricks.
Themaximumload for thiselevatoris eightpersons.
physics Load is also theweightbeingmovedby alever.
load noun [C] (AMOUNT OF WORK )
theamountofworkto be done by aperson:
Thenormalteachingload at thisuniversityis threecourseseachsemester.
Idioms loaded down withthings
loads ofsomething
load verb [T] (PUT INTO )
to put into apieceofequipmentsomething it uses to make itwork:
Billloaded andaimedhiscrossbow.
Thetechnicianloaded asampleinto thedevice.
You need to load the newsoftwarebefore you can use thecomputer.
load verb [T] (WEIGHT CARRIED )
to put something in or on avehicle:
He could load morehayinto thewagon.
Phrasal verbs load upsomething
load up onsomething
(Definition ofload from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
used with othernounsto refer to avehicle,largecontainer, etc. that iscompletelyfull:
truckload/planeload/busload Planeloads ofaidsentto thedisasterregionremainundistributed.
Theauditorshaverequestedboxloads of documents.
TRANSPORT anamountofgoodsorpeopletransportedbyroad,railway, orair:
Thetotalmaximumload is four hundredkilograms.
heavy/large/full load Heavypassengerloads putstresson the nation'saviationsystem.
carry/deliver/transporta load
a load of sth Thetankerwascommissionedtopickup a load ofhazardousmaterials.
WORKPLACE theamountofworkto be done by aperson, anorganization, or amachine:
lighten/reduce a load Workers haveaskedwhether thebankintendstolightentheirload byhiringmorestaff.
share/spread the load Britishmanufacturingislookingto othersectorstohelpsharethe load ofinvestingininfrastructure.
FINANCE achargethat youpaywhen youbuyorsellsharesin aninvestmentcompany
ECONOMICS ,FINANCE anamountofmoney, usually alargeamount, that aperson,company, orcountryhas topay:
debt/tax load Arulingby theEuropeanUnionlightenedthetaxload oninvestorsbuyinggold.
See also back-end load
front-end load
Full Container Load
less-than-container load
load factor
sales load
[I orT ] TRANSPORT to putgoodsonto avehicletotransportthem:
Asurgeintradehasseenup to 90vesselsaweekat theportwaitingto loadtheircargoes.
Trucks wereloading andunloading at thewarehouse.
load sth with sth Thetankerwas loaded with four milliongallonsofdieseloil.
[I orT ] IT to put aprogramordataonto acomputerorwebsite:
load software/a file/a program Thesoftwareis veryeasyto load.
Theupdates don't takelongtoload .
[T ] FINANCE toincludechargesin aninvestment,loan, etc.:
load sth with sth Thecardisdesignedtoattractcustomerswithpoorcreditand comes loaded withlotsoffeesand a verylowcreditlimit.
Phrasal verbs load (sth) up with sth
load up on sth
(Definition of-load from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Collocationswith load load These are words often used in combination withload .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
bulk load
However, some are suitable for bulk load where speed is not important and transhipment costs to other methods of transport are not involved.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
course load
It lasted for 16 months, was divided into three semesters, with a limit of 30 students per year, each following a minimum course load.
From theCambridge English Corpus
load curve
All these things encourage a demand for electricity at differing hours of the day, and so help us to level out the load curve.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.