A loadedgunhasbulletsin it:
(枪)子弹上膛的It'sdangeroustoleavea loadedgunlyingaround.把上了膛的枪随便乱放很危险。
[before noun]
filledorcoveredwith alayeroffood:
Iwantto make loadedpotatoskinswithbaconandcheese.
a loadedpizza
- alive
- alive withsomethingidiom
- awash
- be a rich seam to mineidiom
- be riddled withsomethingidiom
- bristle
- burst
- congested
- cramped
- crowded
- flat chat
- heaping
- heaving
- replete
- ridden
- riddled
- rife
- sardine
- seam
- teem
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cookery terms
loadedadjective(NOT FAIR)
notfair,especiallyby beinghelpfulto onepersoninsteadof another:
不公平的;(尤指)偏袒…的Itseemsthat thereportis loaded infavourof thedevelopers.这篇报道似乎有些偏袒开发商。
loaded question
aquestionthat hasparticularwordschosentosuggesttheanswerthat iswanted:
See also
leading question
Unfairness and favouring someone unfairly
- ableism
- ableist
- agism
- agist
- Anglocentric
- discriminate
- discrimination
- discriminatory
- elitism
- elitist
- one-sided
- one-sidedness
- one-way
- othering
- the old school tie
- two-tier
- unbalance
- unequal
- unequally
- uneven
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Meaning & significance
[after verb]informal
富有的,有钱的Heinheritedthefamilybusiness- he must be loaded!他继承了家族企业——一定很有钱!
having a lot of money
- richShe's one of the richest women in the country.
- wealthyOliver's parents are very wealthy.
- well offAfter years of working hard, we are now quite well off.
- loadedThey don't have any money worries - they're loaded.
- flushHe's flush with cash.
Rich and wealthy
- affluence
- bankability
- bankable
- bazillionaire
- be rolling in itidiom
- be stinking richidiom
- born with a silver spoon inyourmouthidiom
- clover
- comfortably
- creditworthy
- fat
- moneyed
- not be short of a bob or twoidiom
- prosperity
- purchasing power
- roll
- self-supporting
- strike
- strike goldidiom
- wealthy
[after verb]mainlyUSslang
醉的,喝醉的What aparty- everyone was loaded!聚会很尽兴——大家都喝醉了!
Drunkenness & sobriety
- alky
- battered
- beer goggles
- binge drinker
- binge drinking
- blasted
- drunk dial
- have a few (too many)idiom
- inebriate
- inebriated
- inebriating
- inebriation
- muzzy
- ripped
- roaring drunkidiom
- shit-faced
- slaughtered
- slewed
- smashed
- whacked