uk/laɪn/us/laɪn/linenoun(LONG MARK)
along,thinmarkon thesurfaceof something:
Signyournameon thedottedline.请在虚线处签名。
She was veryoldand herfacewascoveredwith lines.她已非常年迈,脸上布满了皱纹。
Mylegsfeltallwobblywhen Istoodup and I couldn'twalkin astraightline(=walkwithoutmovingto thesidewhilemovingforward).我站起来时觉得腿直打颤,走起路来左右摇晃。
- Apply afineline ofhighlighteralong themiddleofyourtoplip.
- Draw ahorizontallineacrossthebottomof thepage.
- Cut on or just inside thepencilline.
- Draw apairofparallellines.
- Join thepointsA and B together on thediagramwith astraightline.
Patterns and shapes
- amorphous
- arabesque
- argyle
- asymmetrically
- asymmetry
- bossy
- filigree
- fishhook
- flecked
- flowery
- formless
- fretted
- herringbone
- oblong
- shapeless
- shapelessly
- shapelessness
- sigmoid
- snow angel
- swoosh
agroupofpeopleor thingsarrangedin arow:
行,排,列a line oftrees一行树
Theprisonersformeda line against thewall.犯人靠墙站成了一排。
agroupofpeoplestandingone behind the other who arewaitingfor something:
(一群人排列等候所形成的)队,排Justget inline andwaityourturnlike everyoneelse.和别人一样排队等着去。
I had towait/standinline for threehoursto gettickets.我排了3个小时的队才买到票。

Yellow Dog Productions/Stone/GettyImages
a long line of
aseriesofpeopleor things thatfolloweach other intime:
(相继的)一系列She is thelatestin alongline ofcontroversialleaders.在一系列颇具争议的领导者中,她是最新的一位。
He comes from alongline ofdoctors(= a lot of hisrelativesweredoctorsbefore him).他出身医生世家。
- Alongline oftrafficedgeditswayforward.
- Araggedline ofpeoplewerewaitingat thebusstop.
- There was asolidline oftrafficinfrontof us.
- We wereaskedtostandin two lines threemetresapart.
- Shearrangedall herteddiesin a line on thecarpet.
Things collected in lines or rings
- chain
- column
- crocodile
- file
- interrow
- queue
- rank
- ring
- rope
- row
- single file
- string
- thread
- tier
- train
- two-tier
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Order and sequence - general words
along,thinand sometimesimaginarymarkthatformstheedge,border, orlimitof something:
边线,界线;界限Thatballwasdefinitelyin! It wasnowherenear the line!那个球绝对是界内!离边线还远着呢!
Thepolicecouldn'tarresthim because he'dfledacrossthestateline.警方无法逮捕他,因为他已经逃过了国界。
For manytelevisionviewersthedividingline betweenfactandfictionisbecomingincreasinglyblurred.在许多电视观众看来,事实与虚构之间的界限已经越来越模糊了。
- Theriverservesas the line ofdemarcationbetween the twocounties.
- Thispathmarksthedividingline between mylandand my neighbour's.
- ThepresidentsaidNATOexpansionwillfinallyerasetheboundaryline inEuropeartificiallycreatedby the Cold War.
- Theballrosein a higharcandfellbehind theboundaryline.
- Hethoughttheballhadbouncedon the line, but theumpiresaid it was out.
Edges & extremities of objects
- -rimmed
- apex
- apical
- apices
- bevel
- border
- bottom
- brow
- cap
- circumference
- edge
- extremity
- foot
- palm-fringed
- perimeter
- periphery
- rim
- rimless
- tip
- vertex
aconnectionto aphonesystem:
电话线(路)I'mafraidyourline's beendisconnectedbecauseyourlastbillhasn't beenpaid.恐怕你的电话线已经被切断了,因为上次的账单你还没付呢。
If youwanttoairyouropinionsliveon theradio, the lines will beopen(= you canphone)from eight o'clock.如果你想通过电台广播发表自己的看法,可从8点起拨打电话。
I've got Chris Fosteronthe line for you. Do youwantto take it now orcallher backlater?克丽丝‧福斯特打电话找你。你想现在接电话还是过一会儿给她打回去?
formalPleaseholdtheline(=wait). I'llseeif she'savailable.请等一下。我看她在不在。
- If you'llholdthe line amomentI'llhandyou over to someone who might beabletohelp.
- She's on thephoneat themoment- will youholdthe line?
- I've gotJohnon the line for you.
- His line'sbusyat themoment- will youcallbacklater?
- Mymothercame on the line totellme toeatproperly.
Communications - telephone equipment
- answering machine
- blower
- brick
- burner
- call box
- caller ID
- cell phone
- device
- dumbphone
- extension
- phablet
- powerbank
- sim
- SIM card
- smartphone
- speakerphone
- switchboard
- telephone
- telephone booth
- telephone exchange
(theroutefollowedby) arailwaytrack:
铁轨;铁道;铁路线Thetrainwasdelayed,apparentlyduetoleaveson the line.火车晚点了,听说是由于铁路线上的落叶所致。
TheNorthernLine is theworston the London Underground.北线是伦敦地铁最糟糕的线路。
Mainlineservicescan be veryquick, buttravellingon thebranchlines is muchslower.乘坐干线火车速度很快,但支线就慢得多了。
- Due towetleaveson the line, thistrainwillarriveanhourlate.
- Therebelshaddynamitedtherailwayline .
- Theeastcoastrailwayline has beenelectrified.
- Trains may besubjecttodelayon theNorthernLine - weapologizefor anyinconveniencecaused.
- themainline between Belfast and Dublin
Railways & railway lines
- Amtrak
- artery
- branch line
- electrify
- funicular
- junction
- level crossing
- light rail
- light railway
- metro
- monorail
- railroad
- railroad tie
- RR
- siding
- signal
- signal box
- switch
- switchback
- underground
a way ofdealingwith orthinkingabout something or someone:
做法,方法;看法,立场The government'sofficialline has always been torefusetonegotiatewithterrorists.政府的官方立场一贯是拒绝与恐怖分子谈判。
SeveralLabourMPsdisagreewiththeirparty's lineontaxation.几名工党议员对该党的税收政策持不同意见。
Whatsortof line(=methodofarguing)do youthinkwe shouldtakein thepaynegotiations?你认为我们在工资谈判中应采取哪种策略?
Thepoliceareconfidentthat this new lineofinquirywillleadthem to themurderer.警方相信采用这种新的调查方法一定会找出凶手。
Itseemsinevitablethat thecountrywill bedividedalongethniclines.那个国家似乎无法避免民族分裂的命运。
line of reasoning, thinking, etc.
a way ofthinkingabout aparticularsubject:
推理/思考等的方法We cannotagreewiththeirline ofreasoning.他们不能同意他们考虑问题的方法。
- Herspeechdeviatedlittle from theofficialpartyline.
- Thegovernmentcan't beseento be taking asoftline withcriminals.
- Ministers who wouldn'ttoethepartyline wereswiftlygotridof.
- Thegovernmentiscontinuingto take atoughline onterrorism.
- The newheadteachertakesatoughline onbullying.
Ways of achieving things
- actively
- another
- approach
- avenue
- bases
- basis
- device
- formula
- media
- method
- methodological
- methodologically
- methodology
- strategy
- styleless
- stylistic
- stylistically
- technique
- thus
- vehicle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Opinions, beliefs and points of view
Logic and reason
arowofpositionsused todefendagainstenemyattack,especiallytheonesclosesttoenemypositions:
防线,战线They were takenprisonerwhile on areconnaissancemissionbehindenemylines.他们是在敌后执行侦察任务时被俘的。
figurativeIn agameoffootball, thegoalkeeperis the last line ofdefence.在足球比赛中,守门员是最后一道防线。
- Journalists hadinsistedon getting to thefrontline of thebattle,heedlessof therisks.
- Thetroopstook uptheirbattlepositionsat thefrontline.
- Wemanagedtobreakthroughenemylines.
- There waspanicon theenemylines.
- Wesimplyhad towaitinourlines.
Places involved in military activity
- air bridge
- air corridor
- bases
- Bastille
- battlefield
- battleground
- camp
- emplacement
- enceinte
- fort
- front-line
- garrison
- Martello tower
- multi-front
- observation post
- obstacle course
- parade ground
- PX
- theatre
- unmanned
theshapeof something that has beendesignedorcreated:
(设计或创造出的)轮廓,外形线条They have areputationfordesigningcarswithelegantaerodynamiclines.他们以设计优雅的流线型汽车而享有盛誉。
Patterns and shapes
- amorphous
- arabesque
- argyle
- asymmetrically
- asymmetry
- bossy
- filigree
- fishhook
- flecked
- flowery
- formless
- fretted
- herringbone
- oblong
- shapeless
- shapelessly
- shapelessness
- sigmoid
- snow angel
- swoosh
along,strong,thinpieceofmaterial, such asstring,rope, orwire, used tosupportsomething:
绳,索I'dhungthewashingout on theclothesline.我会把洗好的衣物晾在晾衣绳上。
Can youfeelthefishtuggingon the line?你能感觉到鱼在钓线上挣扎吗?
Cords, ropes, cables & string
- bell pull
- bowline
- bungee
- cable
- catgut
- cord
- fibre
- flex
- halter
- halyard
- harness
- landline
- lanyard
- lariat
- rein
- shackles
- shock cord
- stringed
- stringy
- tether
- acquiree
- acquirer
- acquiror
- agency
- agribusiness
- answering service
- citadel
- consortium
- fintech
- firm
- franchise
- franchisee
- franchiser
- multinational
- organizational
- packer
- parent company
- partner up
- partnership
- plc
aremarkthat isintendedtoentertain,persuade, ordeceive:
Hekeepsgiving me that lineaboutnot beingableto do anyworkbecause hiscomputeris down.他不停地跟我说因为电脑有问题他没法干活了。
Who was it who came up with thatfamousline about "lies,damnedliesandstatistics?"“谎言,可恶的谎言和数据”这句名言是谁说的?
Remarks & remarking
- air
- annotate
- annotation
- annotator
- aside
- backbite
- backbiting
- barb
- commentary
- dog whistle
- felicity
- innuendo
- last word
- malediction
- mention
- platitude
- profundity
- remark
- sideswipe
- throwaway
arowof words thatformpartof atext:
(文本中的)字行We could get more lines on thepageif wereducedthetypesize.如果把字号调小一点,我们就可以在这一页上多加几行字。
[Cusually plural]
the words that anactorspeakswhenperformingin afilm,play, etc.:
(电影或话剧演员的)词,台词I only had two lines in thewholeplay.在整出戏中我只有两句台词。
She hasn'tlearnedher linesyet, and we've gotourfirstrehearsaltomorrow.我们明天就要进行首次排练了,可她连台词还没记熟呢。
I'mterrifiedofforgettingmy lines.我特别害怕忘词。
apunishmentforschoolstudentsin which asentencehas to be writtenrepeatedly:
(学校里对学生作出的)罚抄写She got 200 lines forswearingat herteacher.她因辱骂老师被罚抄写200遍。

CatLane/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Pieces of writing
- acrostic
- annotation
- biographic
- blog post
- Chyron
- creative writing
- cutting
- draft
- inscription
- lament
- microblog
- mistranscription
- multi-line
- palimpsest
- para
- preamble
- scribble
- script
- self-portrait
- squiggle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema & theatre: casting, roles & scripts
Punishing & punishments
一串音符Technical music terms
- accidental
- aleatory
- antiphonal
- arpeggio
- arr.
- discord
- dissonance
- harmonic
- harmony
- key signature
- longa
- mike check
- slur
- staccato
- step
- stepwise
- syncopate
- syncopated
- syncopation
- trill
[Cusually singular]
thetypeofjobsomeone does:
行业"What lineofworkare you in?" "I'm ateacher."“你是干哪一行的?”“我是老师。”
Youmeetsome veryinterestingpeoplein my lineofbusiness.干我这行可以遇到一些非常有趣的人。
arangeofsimilarthings that are forsale:
(商品的)类,类别There arediscountson manyitemsfromourolderlines.我们这里的很多旧货都打折。
I wasshownalltheirnew lines.他们给我看了他们所有的新货。
Products & producers
- anti-dumping
- badging
- begetter
- big pharma
- big tobacco
- creator
- deliverable
- dry goods
- end product
- fabricator
- generator
- haul
- maker
- marque
- non-proprietary
- notion
- output
- overstock
- producer
- proprietary
all along the line
along the lines ofsomething
along the same lines
be in line forsomething
be in line to dosomething
be in line to the throne
in line withsomething
off his line
be on the line
be out of line withsomething
get a line onsomeone
have a nice, good, etc. line insomething
in the line of duty
line of sight
put/laysomethingon the line
somewhere along the line
step/be out of line
uk/laɪn/us/laɪn/lineverb[T](FORM ROW)
toformarowalong thesideof something:
沿着…形成一排Thousands ofpeoplelined thestreetstowatchthepresidentialprocessionpassby.数千人站在街道两旁观看总统车队通过。
Policelined therouteof thedemonstration.警察站在游行路线的两侧。
Sitting and standing
- akimbo
- astride
- bestride
- cross-legged
- crouch
- foot
- on all foursidiom
- pew
- plump(someone/something)down
- rampant
- reseat
- seat
- sit
- stance
- stand around
- stand aside
- stand round
- stand up
- strike
- surface
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Geometry: parts of geometrical shapes
tocoverthe insidesurfaceof something:
衬;铺,垫I lined thedrawerswitholdwallpaper.我用旧墙纸垫抽屉。
How much would itcostto have thisjacketlined?给这件夹克衫做个内衬需要多少钱?
Full-lengthmirrorslined eachwallof thebathroom.洗手间的每一面墙上都挂着全身镜。
Covering and adding layers
- additive
- asphalt
- bestrew
- bind
- blanket
- blindfold
- gilt
- gum
- gumsomethingup
- inlaid
- lag
- laminate
- layer
- retile
- retread
- seasoned
- slapsomethingon
- smothersomethingin/withsomething
- tent
- wax
Phrasal verbs