abuildingwherecriminalsareforcedtoliveas apunishment:
监狱Conditions in the prison are said to beappalling.监狱里的条件据说糟透了。
He'sspenta lot oftimeinprison.他坐了很长时间的牢。
Shewent to/wassenttoprison for sixmonths.她入狱6个月。
It was amaximum-securityprison(=intendedto beespeciallydifficulttoescapefrom).这是一所戒备森严的监狱。
They shouldputhiminprison andthrowaway thekey!他们应该把他关进监狱,永远也别放出来!
a prisoncell/sentence/guard牢房/徒刑/狱监
See also

Andy Sacks/Stone/GettyImages
thesystemofkeepingpeoplein prisons:
监禁,关押;关押制度the prisonsystem监狱制度
Do youthinkprisonworks?你认为监禁有用吗?
Prison(= thetimehe hadspentin prison)hadn'tchangedhim at all.服刑丝毫没有让他改变。
asituationorrelationshipfrom which it isdifficulttoescape:
樊笼;禁锢Shefeltthat hermarriagehadbecomea prison.她觉得自己的婚姻变成了牢笼。
- He wassentto prison for acrimethat he didn'tcommit.
- He wassentto a high-security prison.
- If youspendanytimein prison, you'relabelledas acriminalfor therestofyourlife.
- Thereleasefrom prison of two of theterroristshasprovokedapublicoutcry.
- Heservedayearin prison and was thenletout onprobation.
Prisons & parts of prisons
- approved school
- Bastille
- boot camp
- borstal
- brig
- clink
- dungeon
- gaol
- gaoler
- halfway house
- nick
- open prison
- panopticon
- penal colony
- penitentiary
- straightjacket
- straitjacket
- the gulag
- warder
- young offender institution
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Putting people in prison
Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences