biceps curl
uk/ˈbaɪ.seps ˌkɜːl/us/ˈbaɪ.seps ˌkɜ˞ːl/anexercisein which youbendyourarmtowardsyourbodyat theelbowinorderto makeyourbiceps(= thelargemuscleat thefrontof theupperarm)stronger:
二头肌弯举,胸前弯举, 双臂屈伸, 双手弯举Do three sets ofbicepscurlsusing 5- to 8-poundweights.使用 5 到 8 磅的器械做三组二头肌弯举。
Pump upyourarmswithbicepscurlsand pushups.用二头肌弯举和俯卧撑来增强你的手臂肌肉。
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- Whilebalancingon onefoot,performabicepscurlwithlightweights.
- Doing asimplebicepscurlon aballrequiresmorecorestrength.
- Herecommendsdoing one set each of sevencoreexercises-squats,benchpresses,crunches,cablerows,shoulderpresses,bicepscurls, andtricepsextensions- using aheavyweight.
- Researchersstudiednine menperformingbicepscurlsandfoundthatapplyingiceimmediatelyafterexercisedidn'thelpwithsorenessorperformance.
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- bench
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- loosen
- resistance training
- Spinning
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- tai chi
- taper
- triceps dip